Tuesday, December 30, 2008

nevermind not yet understanding

i'm spending some time during this holiday looking at 2 Tim for bible study next year. even though it has been enjoyable and beneficial to dig into the text, it has been a real s.l.o.w one in progress. i feel that at times, i still miss seeing the big idea or other important points. a few times, even after reading through and through, my mind just froze there, and i would try a different exercise for the same or other passage, something similar to solving the puzzle pieces that i am less familiar with. nevertheless, repetition helps with much of the exercise. i suppose i have all the helps i could get. for one, the Spirit will reveal, besides having some handy materials to start with from the internal training around two weeks ago.


Monday, December 29, 2008

two y.o. lifestyle evangelism

this quick convo happened yesterday as caleb was back from some place.

ciu-ciu: hey, where have you been?
caleb: rumah allah!
ciu-ciu: hAh? whoa.. (half shocked for the accurate reply as it was the case that caleb went to church earlier on the day).

the parents who overheard had to finally correct what he meant was that he had just been to ella's house (rumah ella).. hehe!


Sunday, December 28, 2008

an odyssey of unyielding peace

at the risk of sounding morbid..

just reading through the videos titles here is enough to convince us that the world is going downhill. the issues are complex, the scale is way beyond reach. of the ten videos listed, only one has a positive tone to it, despite it being strange in nature (i.e. a baby named jesus was born on christmas eve to a mother whose name is virgin mary and a carpenter father named joseph, a young peruvian couple). while the rest concerns either the political unrest of the two 'half-brothers' always in conflicts with one another (perhaps an interesting prophecy of Gen. 16:12) or a deep-seated predicament of the falleness of human being. however, one way or the other, they all are under the same bucket of the problem of evil and sufferings.

it's a fact that many have given up on following such news. yet, on the other extreme, sitting down in front of the computer, miles away in distance, living in the mirage of a 'peaceful' country, many of us are oblivious to what intense disturbances are happening out there. the bubble is about to burst one day. no one is excepted, being in war 'now' (i.e. physical) or 'later' (i.e. God's) as thing may seem, the tension will only resolve when the real Jesus born 2000 years ago, whom God allowed for the evil to befall on as Jesus died being crucified, returns to bring a new order.


Saturday, December 27, 2008

sheep-counting night

did quite a lot today, but don't seem to feel tired physically. probably my body has reserved enough energy to recover from the past working weeks since the holidays two days ago, thank God for the end of year break! i'm refreshed, and keen on having the rest of the holidays.

we (oh, the full house members, even the thriving tot who wants to muster all the world he could learn!) managed to scrub clean the wall at the back of the house, before putting a coat of fresh paint just in time for the rain to come pouring down. i've also managed to do the laundry, clean the bathroom, eat to refuel, download talks, listen to some favourite hymns, read a bit here and there, with no absolute interest at all with what's happening on the telly, plus i never take a nap. it feels so different from the working weeks, very few physical activities, yet the body just shut down on me whenever the clock ticks close to ten each night. compared to working days, i also don't feel hungry very easily when i am not in the office. i guess it's the brain-work and all those mental activities as when one is working and interacting with people the whole day that eventually scrap down the level of energy for the day.

this, is not what i want to blog on.. actually, heh, so much for feeling awake!

perhaps i should read another chapter of the book..


Friday, December 26, 2008

caleb's 2nd christmas is all about giving.. (into the slavery of cheap labor :)


nat's 1st christmas, resting contentedly at mu-mu's shoulder


Wednesday, December 24, 2008

wots #20081224

i read more than i write these days, which in a way is such a pity as i enjoy them both equally. now i sound very boring here, i know, keep reading and dig something out further than this.

anyway, we finished the proverbs bible study a while ago. i felt that i had to somehow goes beyond what the book suggested, at least in my thinking. i have no doubt it's faithful, i just think that perhaps it's ideal to highlight further on what the rest of the bible says on one particular issue.

now that i just happened to read this article: prosperity teaching without the bling, i guess i can do justice to confirm what was along the line my thought previously, apart the author here said it much better and clearer. i pray that those who meet together in our group may be enlightened as well (see especially point no. 2). the burden (should i say 'joy' or 'challenge' instead) now lies on bringing the head, heart and stomach into alignment with each other, hopefully with less pretension than just appearing to be legalistic at the outset.


Tuesday, November 04, 2008

motor development of a two-years old

oh yeah, i was meant to blog tis, a while ago, supposedly.

a fly was up in the air, flying undisturbed and perhaps deservingly. flying is what it does best, so by, glorfying its maker.

meanwhile, a two-years old, being sinful in nature (though there is much more to grasp on this front), and more so living in a world tainted by relationship breakdowns at various levels, (and yet, only innocently immitating at what he saw others were up to at some point), in an audacious move, swaying his arms up and down, while shushing at the poor single little fly in an attempt that can only means an un-welcome-ness at odd.

and guess what he was holding while swaying and shusing?

a half pair of ciu-ciu's smelly * socks! up in the air (and down, and up, again and again).

hope people have had a good day today, otherwise, cheers up for having read up to this line!

ps. smelly can only mean bearable here (read: ciu-ciu's personal hygiene is up on par with some of the girls that i know, even a little more!).


Thursday, October 30, 2008

be known

click here, and go straight to about the author. just an idea. geek can glorify God too and keep being a geek. tehe.


Wednesday, October 29, 2008

wots #291008

"You may not be sure that you want your life to make a difference. Maybe you
don't care very much whether you make a lasting difference for the sake of
something great. You just want people to like you. If people would just like
being around you, you'd be satisfied. Or if you could just have a good job with
a good wife, or husband, and a couple of good kids and a nice car and long
weekends and a few good friends, a fun retirement, and a quick and easy death,
and no hell - if you could have all that (even without God) - you would be
satisfied. That is a tragedy in the making. A wasted life."

john piper - don't waste your life, pg. 45

ps. simply profound.


Monday, October 27, 2008

yesterday as i listed out the to-do list, it seems as if i have heaps of stuffs to do.
some i'm eager in carrying on, still others, they feel somewhat burdensome.

and the busier i feel, the easier i procrastinate on things, for that fleeting moments of inappropriate resting, being in front of the computer the biggest time waster this past week.

restraint myself i must..


Thursday, October 23, 2008

the company is still laying people off, the number grows by day.
and the bible is always right, cycle comes, cycle goes.

security is nowhere to be found, a great job, a good saving,
they are nonetheless the things of this world.
and no, they don't last, as a matter of fact, as today's world proves.

apart here the comforting words from Paul,
that nothing can separate us from the love of Christ!
how reassuring, and comforting, and true, and extremely important!
that those whom God loves, are more than conquerors..


Friday, October 17, 2008

two days ago, the lady used to sit beside me in the office got redundant. she only told me on the last minute as i was about to leave the office that day. despite having a few hard time in the past, it's not without a glimpse of sadness. i guess i learnt that whenever there's a difficult person surrounds me, i ought to keep looking up to God, not squarely to the weaknesses of the other party. it's at these times that my godliness is tested. and God's grace is enough, always.

i must admit that i failed at being patient a few times.


Saturday, October 04, 2008

the great exchange

i was reading psalm 85 (i have yet to discovered just how interesting psalm is as a book of poetry full of worship materials). the book that i'm using suggested this passage is obviously about God's dealing with Israel (indeed, the large parts of the OT is about God's dealing with His people Israel). yet since the church is the modern equivalent of Israel as His people, this psalm is applicable to us today. on another side of the coin, as Israel was addressed as a nation, careful reading will also result in the ability to claim the promises in this psalm toward a nation today (one which claims in any way to be cn).

as i read these verses below, my mind suddenly recalled a hymn, how the connection is made is somewhat vague, since the keywords are not exactly to be found in both the passage and the hymn. perhaps the hymn is in part based on this psalm, so i thought. but it's interesting as i stumbled on one particular question asked, it becomes clear to me how the promises made are indeed fulfilled in Christ.


Friday, October 03, 2008


wots? is an acronym for what other (cn) teachers say?
(sorry, you won't find it having been used elsewhere, i just invented it, five minutes ago!)

i guess one way that wots can serve the posts of this blog is to allow some great resources to be linked through. those that i delight in musing on (pardon the geekiness), and worth passing on. or somehow hoping to go through them in the indefinite future (which in a realist term means that these things will never happen, i repeat, EVER! simply because flexibility is one art of surviving, forget this sentence, will you? God is sovereign, i digress).

so, here they are, in no order of importance, and always non exhaustive.

a series of talks from tim keller.
(answering the defeater beliefs to cn-ity or perhaps the plausibility of cn-ity on take two)

an eye-opener reflection from andrew hong.
(and while you're explaining the gospel, remember to pass on both the message and the affection)

john dickson will be giving a series of 7 talks in CBF north sydney on a spectator's guide to Jesus.
starting wed, 8th oct 2008, i will miss out on a few of these :(

ps. to celebrate the arrival of the brand new acronym, i've also gone with the worldly marketing strategy along the line of buy-one-get-one-free, and so warts! is an acronym for what a rouge teaching and sucks! (read: gospel + -)


Monday, September 22, 2008

note to self #220908

it was lunch break today when my colleague and i were discussing on some Bible passages. i praise and thank God for her interest. we sat at the long bench in front of the north sydney's chamber of commerce. an hour passed by quickly. and we walked back to the office.

an email was sent. the time-stamp was 12:38 pm. somebody left their their mobile in the ladies room. as soon as i sat down, reading this email, i realised that i couldn't find mine, nor my wallet. so, i enquired by replying whether the color of the mobile is a pink one. seconds later, i hadn't the patience to wait, so i came to the person sending the email and quickly got the answer that it was someone's else, and it had been claimed, and no, it wasn't pink.

half running, i rushed back to the bench where we sat five minutes ago. very close, at the traffic light, waiting for the pedestrian's light to turn green, i saw a guy making a phone call in front of the chamber of commerce. the light turned green, i walked on, the guy entered the building. i can't see my mobile and wallet on top of the bench.

so, i walked in, hoping to ask around if somebody had dropped them in. no mere coincidence, the guy was about to hand in what he just found to the lady over the reception. so, i told them that those belong to me. the guy told that he just gave a call to a friend of mine using the mobile, to inform that i had lost my mobile.

i check the time-stamp of his call. it was 12:38 pm (there was a slight minutes of difference between my desktop and mobile), and he was infact calling andreas (bro-in-law). no, nothing was so obvious in the call logs that would make him call andreas anyway. i must say, things are a bit odd, though in a positive way. i restrained from saying that it's a bit spooky, perhaps i should say instead that it's rather holy-spirity (though i don't know what i'm talking about). :)

all i'm trying to say is that nothing happens outside God's control. if it turns out that i've heard of some testimonies of how God led people to trust Him, i think i have only a little room to be left completely untouched by those stories.


Friday, September 12, 2008

For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse. Romans 1:20


Monday, September 08, 2008

biography anyone?

i've been keen on reading a biography for some time, but haven't actually gotten it started.
nevertheless though that now i've at least got a good pointer to kick thing off once i'm ready.
it's helpful to know how to read Christian biography?


Friday, September 05, 2008

Keller on the Reason For God


Friday, August 22, 2008

Christians in 26-hour airport Bible stand-off


Sunday, August 17, 2008

'I am the Light of the world'

The keyword ‘Light’ in the gospel of John occurs 24 times within 16 verses . Looking at the structure of the book, John is mostly referred to as having two big sections sandwiched between the prologue (John 1:1-18) and the epilogue (John 21). The two big sections are as follow. The first section (John 1:19-12:50) is usually called the Book of Signs. Whereas the second section (John 13:1-20:31) is referred to as the Book of Glory (or Passion). The keyword ‘Light’ is traced to be found all of them within the epilogue and in the chapters that make up the Book of Signs, which records the public ministry of Jesus.

The gospel of John has a rather complex development of its theology of light, in which the keyword is used in a metaphorical sense than literal. The main usage and also the very first occurrences of the keyword in the epilogue typify the person and the work of Jesus. The author, who was said to have written the gospel for the Jewish audiences, presented the keyword to draw its meaning from the backdrop of Judaism. In the OT, ‘Light’ is often used as a symbolism for divine presence and salvation [Dictionary, pg. 472]. For examples, Ex 13:21; Ps 27:1; Is 60:19. More than often, the salvation is of the future eschatological salvation. For examples, Mic 7:8; Is 9:2; 60:1-3.

In the epilogue, John links the keywords ‘Word’, ‘Life’ and ‘Light’ tightly. John testified that he is not the light , rather that the Light is the Word incarnate in Jesus and “in him (Jesus) was life, and that life was the light of men” . Here, reading through the language of the OT, the evangelist implies that the expectation of Judaism is fulfilled in Jesus who brought salvation to mankind.
There are also other different usages or aspects of the Johannine theology of light.

Throughout the writing, John’s unique style is known to have introduced some contrasting ideas through the use of keywords such as ‘Light’ vs ‘Darkness’, ‘Life’ vs ‘Death’, ‘Belief’ vs ‘Unbelief’, etc. As far as the conflict is concerned, darkness will never overcome the light . Indeed, the light came to shine in and expose the darkness. In the Johannine theology, darkness can be understood as twofold [Dictionary, pg. 472]. The first is that it prevails before the light comes . And secondly, it descends on those who have refused the light and chosen to live in darkness instead . Hence, the second brings forth the idea of sin as people reject Christ. Nevertheless, there are also those who believe in the light who become the sons of light . Here, the idea expressed is that of faith, which involves trusting in the true Light that gives light to every man.

Continuing on the ideas of sin and faith that find their expressions in the Johannine’s theology of light, when Jesus, the Light of the world came, there will two responses to be exuded, whether one of the unbelief or belief in Him, that will in turn result in two final outcomes, whether the eternal death or life. Those who love darkness or do evil or hate the light will never come to the light and will automatically be exposed by the light . As a matter of fact, judgment is inevitable.

Ultimately, people who live by the truth are drawn to the true Light . As a result of receiving the light from Jesus, they walk by light as manifested in the life of those who follows the true Light .

As mentioned in the first place, that the main usage of the keyword ‘Light’ indeed points to the person and the work of Jesus. In the circumstances of the opposition of the Jews toward Jesus however, Jesus himself mentioned that “John was a lamp that burned and gave light, and you chose for a time to enjoy his light.” The way to understand this is tied to the role that John played in bringing the Jews to salvation, as a pointer to the true Light. John’s testimony which delivered the prospective message of the coming of a divine intervention on behalf of the Jews is a cause for rejoicing, but only for a while, as the Jews finally deserted John as well [Tasker, pg. 88].

Similar to the idea of John being the pointer to Christ is the fact that Jesus revealed or made God known through his word and deeds while he was on earth, “While I am in the world, I am the light of the world” . Just as he restored the physical blindness of a man born blind, at a deeper lever, his miraculous deed was a sign to the unbelieving Jews that only Jesus himself can restore their spiritual blindness that refused to believe him as the One sent by God. Moreover, as he continued to reveal God, and before the time came for him to lay down his life, nothing can harm Jesus (or God’s purpose), not even the plans of those who walked in the darkness by plotting his death.

In summary, the theology of light in the gospel of John carries an important weight in understanding the One to whom the Scriptures (or OT), as well as John (or NT), is testifying about, Christ – the Light of the world. As the One who is in the spotlight of God’s purpose, John shed the light that faith in the One who reveals God saves us from sin and judgment, besides having an eternal life, as we walk by the light (no pun intended).

1 List of the verses that contain the keyword ‘Light’ are found in John 1:4, 5, 7, 8, 9; 3:19, 20, 21; 5:35; 8:12; 9:5; 11:9, 10; 12:35, 36, 46.
2 John 1:8
3 John 1:7, 9, 14
4 John 1:4
5 John 1:5
6 John 1:5; 8:12; 12:46
7 John 3:19-20
8 John 12:36, 46
9 John 8:12, 9:5; 12:35, 36, 46
10 John 3:19, 20, 21
11 John 3:21
12 John 8:12; 12:35
13 John 5
14 John 5:35
15 John 9:5
16 John 11:9, 10
17 John 5:39


Holy Bible – New International Version, 2004, Zondervan, Michigan.
Dictionary of Jesus and the Gospels, 1992, Editors: J.B.Green, S. McKnight, InterVarsity Press, England.
Tyndale New Testament Commentaries – The Gospel According to John, 1997, R.V.G. Tasker, InterVarsity Press, England.

List of Bible verses with the keyword ‘Light’:

1. John 1:4
In him was life, and that life was the light of men.

2. John 1:5
The light shines in the darkness, but the darkness has not understood it.

3. John 1:7
He came as a witness to testify concerning that light, so that through him all men might believe.

4. John 1:8
He himself was not the light; he came only as a witness to the light.

5. John 1:9
The true light that gives light to every man was coming into the world.

6. John 3:19
This is the verdict: Light has come into the world, but men loved darkness instead of light because their deeds were evil.

7. John 3:20
Everyone who does evil hates the light, and will not come into the light for fear that his deeds will be exposed.

8. John 3:21
But whoever lives by the truth comes into the light, so that it may be seen plainly that what he has done has been done through God."

9. John 5:35
John was a lamp that burned and gave light, and you chose for a time to enjoy his light.

10. John 8:12
[ The Validity of Jesus' Testimony ] When Jesus spoke again to the people, he said, "I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life."

11. John 9:5
While I am in the world, I am the light of the world."

12. John 11:9
Jesus answered, "Are there not twelve hours of daylight? A man who walks by day will not stumble, for he sees by this world's light.

13. John 11:10
It is when he walks by night that he stumbles, for he has no light."

14. John 12:35
Then Jesus told them, "You are going to have the light just a little while longer. Walk while you have the light, before darkness overtakes you. The man who walks in the dark does not know where he is going.

15. John 12:36
Put your trust in the light while you have it, so that you may become sons of light." When he had finished speaking, Jesus left and hid himself from them.

16. John 12:46
I have come into the world as a light, so that no one who believes in me should stay in darkness.


Wednesday, August 13, 2008

did she make it?

feeling lucky? click here


Friday, August 01, 2008

having some fun raising for allowah

in a week time, i'll be running for city2surf. it's my first time ever. i've been training alright so far, i think, trying to increase my stamina level. last week, i managed to run roughly an hour (with 2 x 3 mins of down time walking) for 7 kms. city2surf is a 14 kms community running event, which will off-course be tougher when you're running on road as compared to on the treadmill (i know.. i know..)

i was thinking to raise some fund for Allowah. and since it wasn't registered as a charity by the organiser, i was trying to arrange that with both the organiser and the children hospital. things do take a while, and shall i wait much longer, i'll be a little tight with the remaining time. i did intend to raise the fund only in a week time prior to running (besides, if people intend on donating, chances are they'll do it straight away or never. it would be the case for me, at least, otherwise i'll never manage if i'm to leave thing behind).

as i was trying to browse for my selected charity today, i still could not find it in the webpage, but that doesn't matter, and it'll be pointless for me to chase the organiser at this stage (perhaps next year is a better opportunity). so, i am now trying to do things a little different. if you can make any donation, no matter how big or small, it will make a difference, leave room for generosity.

here is how.

1) go to allowah and the online donation-page websites. have a read, see if you're having an inclination to support their cause. allowah is redeveloping their site to cater for more patients.

2) if you'd like, just before you proceed with the online payment, you can put in these details. this way i can send a proper thank-you note (or borrow you my cd for free! alright, i hope i'll be more creative than this at some stage).

perhaps i'll hear from you my dear friends, thank you in advance!


Saturday, July 26, 2008

enough said

my left eye keeps twitching for the pass two days..


  • can't seem to write past a paragraph these days.
  • may be some other days.




  • go to sleep, what a day!


ps. i suggest you read this much more meaningful text than the above.


Sunday, July 06, 2008


Thursday, June 19, 2008

the return of the lion

For a time she was so happy that she did not want to speak. But Aslan spoke.
"Lucy", he said, "we must not lie here for long. You have work in hand, and much time has been lost today."
"Yes, wasn't it a shame?" said Lucy. "I saw you all right. They wouldn't believe me. They're all so-"
From somewhere deep inside Aslan's body there came the faintest suggestion of a growl.
"I am sorry," said Lucy, who understood some of his moods. "I didn't mean to start slanging the others. But it wasn't my fault anyway, was it?"
The Lion looked straight into her eyes.
"Oh, Aslan," said Lucy. "You don't mean it was? How could I - I couldn't have left the others and come up to you alone, how could I? Don't look at me like that.. oh well, I suppose I could. Yes, and it wouldn't have been alone, I know, not if I was with you. But what would have been the good?"
Aslan said nothing.
"You mean," said Lucy rather faintly, "that it would have turned out all right - somehow? But how? Please, Aslan! Am I not to know?"
"To know what would have happened, child?" said Aslan.
"No. Nobody is ever told that."
"Oh dear," said Lucy.
"But anyone can find out what will happen," said Aslan. "If you go back to the others now, and wake them up; and tell them you have seen me again; and that you must all get up at once and follow me - what will happen? There is only one way of finding out."
"Do you mean that is what you want me to do?" gasped Lucy.
"Yes, little one," said Aslan.
"Will the others see you too?" asked Lucy.
"Certainly not at first," said Aslan. "Later on, it depends."
"But they won't believe me!" said Lucy.
"It doesn't matter," said Aslan.
"Oh dear, oh dear," said Lucy. "And I was so pleased at finding you again. And I
thought you'd let me stay. And I thought you'd come roaring in and frighten all the enemies away - like last time. And now everything is going to be horrid."
"It is hard for you, little one," said Aslan. "But things never happen the same way twice. It has been hard forus all in Narnia before now."
Lucy buried her head in his mane to hide from his face. But there must have been magic in his mane. She could feel lion-strength going into her.
Quite suddenly she sat up. "I'm sorry, Aslan," she said. "I'm ready now."

C.S. Lewis - Prince Caspian

(From the Chronicles of Narnia - pg. 380-1)


Wednesday, June 18, 2008

nothing like birthing 201

pic: when caleb meets nathan.
(nathan was born on sunday five mins close to midnight within two hours of admission into the hospital).
it could be a tough world further on, sharing the spotlight is a skill to learn for a two-year old tot. so far, he's just a little sweet big bro, no fuss, and liking most babies (he could eat them! getting squeezyy..).


Friday, June 06, 2008

The Lord' Prayer

Our Father in Heaven,

Hallowed by your Name
Dear Father, the maker of Heaven and Earth, how majestic is your name in all the Earth. Your name alone is to be praised for You are the One and Only God whose Name is holy and You have power over every created thing.

Your Kingdom comes
We acknowledge your rule over us. We thank You for sending Your Son, Jesus Christ to die on the Cross, through whom God’s Kingdom has been brought near. Thank You for intervening into the history so that everything will be made right again in the future. We long to see your Kingdom come fully and your rule finally made plain to everyone. We long for that Day when every knee will bow down and every tongue will confess that Jesus is Lord of all.

Your will be done, on Earth as it is in Heaven
We pray that while there are opportunities still, that men and women may come into repentance and obedience to the Lord Jesus Christ. We pray that as God’s people, we’ll submit to Jesus’ lordship over our life. Please help us to be your faithful ambassadors of You as we share the good news of Christ through our speech and action to those who haven’t submitted their life to Jesus’ rule yet.

Give us today our daily bread
We thank You for our daily provision that comes from a generous God. We ask that your blessings will be upon us as we earn for our living in a way that honors Your name. We pray that You will teach us to depend on You to sustain us physically, so we won’t fall into the trap of self-sufficiency but rather being transformed in our view toward the material possessions that You’ve blessed us with. Help us to seek first Your Kingdom for You promised that all these things will be given us as well. As you’ve blessed us, so help us to help those who are in need more than us. Open our eyes that we may be sensitive to the needs of others, most importantly their need to know God, so all our efforts will be directed toward that end.

Forgive us our sin as we’ve forgiven those who sinned against us
We acknowledge that we are weak and we still sin against You from time to time. Therefore, we beg for mercy that Jesus blood would cleanse away all our sins. And as You’ve forgiven us, empower us through Your Spirit to forgive those who sinned against us. Help us to find comfort in Jesus and heal us of our past hurts.

Lead us not into temptations
As we are still living in this sinful world, we ask that Your Spirit helps us to not easily give into temptations. We pray that Your Word which is life will teach us to say no to ungodliness and worldly passions, and to live self-controlled, upright and godly lives in this present age, while we wait for Christ to come the second time.

But deliver us from the evil one
We know Father that through the death and the resurrection of Jesus, Satan no longer has power, though he is still at work to blind people’s mind to the Gospel. Please help us to resist him. Help us to stand firm by putting on the full armor of God, which is Your Word, so that we can take our stand against the devil’s scheme.

For Yours is the Kingdom, and power and glory forever and ever. Amen.


Friday, May 16, 2008

i am owned..

as a pet!

by who-knows-how-many people already.. and as the ownership is changing hands, people make 'money' out of selling and attaching another nickname to me.

and i can't be bothered because it's facebook..
(you guys are having too much time to spare!)


saying grace and finding grace in need

one day, caleb was hungry. therefore he was quite fixated on the food in front of him. as soon as the noodles bowl was put on the high-chair table, he started scooping them using his fingers into the mouth, very handy. he couldn't be bothered to say grace with mom's help per usual. so mom gently reminded by saying grace as soon as he's eating.

mi-mih: "Tuhan Yesus, terima kasih untuk makanan Caleb! Aa..."
(dear Jesus, thank you for caleb's food! aa..)
caleb: "biss..."

he sure knew the difference between 'amen' and 'habis'.

thanking God for Christ who died on the Cross for our transgressions!


Sunday, May 11, 2008

in His hands (ii)

3. the fairytale life.. in God's hands

coming thusfar, there's indeed is a promise of a 'fairytale' life under God's plan. the Bible tells us of God's plan in making every thing right again. life may be full of experiences that will keep going on and on, be they including the negative ones. james gave the encouragements on how we are to be patience as we learn to trust God for everything in His hands.

- the Lord's coming is 'near' (5:7-9)

everyday is a day closer to no more sufferings, pain or death. Jesus' coming is near! (He has come the first time). even so, in the midst of sufferings, we sometimes wonder whether God really does care.

- the Lord is full of compassion and mercy (5:10-11)

james reminded us of an OT example who displayed patience in the Lord, Job who despite being taken of everything in his life, persevered in his trust to the God who is full of compassion and mercy. we, however, know of God's characters more than those OT figures! we are convinced that Jesus died on the Cross, as a testimony of God's loving character. knowing God, His plans and characters are what make us patience. no matter what life feels like, it's in God's hands, His loving hands to be exact.

- so pray (5:12-20)

trust God in every situation!
when you're in trouble (13a)
when you're happy (13b)
when you're 'sick' (14-20)

the key to understand sickness in this passage lies not on physical sickness, but rather a spiritual one, as james had warned from the beginning of the book about being a double-minded person. the remedies are confessions and prayers that God may raise up (save) the person. we know fully that God will answer our prayers, as He is a compassionate and merciful.

4. the fairytale life.. can you imagine?

application: being cn is about being patience. there's always a sense of longing, whatever it is, that won't go away. the Lord's coming is near! in the meantime, keep seeking to do good while we wait for God to realise His fairytale life for us all. the paradise is indeed coming! (as keith urban inspires in his song).


in His hands (i)

thanking God for His Word through the equip conference. it was faithful and refreshing. this year, the book of James was concluded. we learnt from james 4:13-5:20. thought i'd like to share on my notes on one of the two main talks at the moment. besides, it's good also for me as i try to re-write and tidy things up, i have the opportunities to digest further and reflect on His living Word.

the passage above mainly talks about being patience with the key verse being, 5:7 - be patient, then, brothers, until the Lord's coming.

1. the fairytale life.. happily every after

we all want to live out our fairytale life, that one dream of a perfect life that's full of the very best things in life - perhaps that second-to-none lifestyle, that perfect husband/wife, that excellent career, etc. but in reality, life isn't as simple as wishing it may be. indeed, life is one often full of unfulfilled expectations, needless to say full of frustration at times. we never seem to get it right!

"whatever your goal, you can get there if you're willing to work." - Oprah

"what this day says to Australian women and to Australian girls is that you can do anything, you can be anything." - Quentin Bryce

"hold on! we're headed for a better life." - Keith Urban

2. the fairlytale life.. in our hands?

- it's impossible (4:13-17)

no matter how hard we try, fairytale life is impossible!

firstly, we don't even know what will happen tomorrow (v14-15). james wasn't anti plans, we indeed need plans to be responsible over the resources that God has placed on our hands. it is rather that none of our plans are guaranteed! our plans are not in our hands to start with. we ought instead to be humble of our plans and have a reverence to God who has everything in His hands.

"i could start by confidently outlining the prospects for the US economy, the world economy and the Australian economy, then go on to explain the implications for the sharemarket and the property market.. instead, i want to say something much more valuable to you - nobody, but nobody, knows what the future holds for the economy and markets. since the future is unknowable, you should proceed with humility and caution" - Ross Gittins

- it testifies against us (5:1-6)

secondly, if we pursue it, in the end, it will testify against us! unlike a fairytale start, it will all end up a fairytale ending, we'll all meet God's judgement. james used strong languages throughout his warnings of the rich who live life as they pleased without any reverence to God.


Sunday, April 27, 2008

don't think corby was innocent! *

on the way back home at night four days ago, my sister-in-law spotted a wallet at the petrol station close to home. we picked it up, and kept walking home.

having looked at the inside, it seemed to belong to a young adult, a girl studying at tafe, possibly a teenager. the amount of money inside was around $180, i think. (i just spent around that much money as well that night).

it was leading to the long weekend, so thinking of returning it by digging further details through the cards inside would be futile, not until another four days. in the end, it was decided to hand it to the police station and let them sort it out.

and alas, there was also a small amount of marijuana inside! (and no, the police wasn't told of it, parking inside the coin section separated from the main).

* though i could be wrong..


Saturday, April 19, 2008

pain is only temporary

i just ate my steak* for the first time since my dental surgery two days ago :)

i know it sounds a little naughty. the whole thing didn't turn out too badly, but obviously, it still was a painful one. my right cheek is swelling still, and it makes half the shape of my face kinda like mom's (mental note: hey, i'll look likewise forty years down the road). i've seen swollen cheeks much worse than mine as a result of dental surgery. so, i'm rather prepared for the worst.

the dentist pulled two of my wisdom teeth out within 30 mins which was pretty quick and i felt brute force was applied all over. i suppose that was the way to be, or otherwise too much blood would be wasted. during the course, i felt nothing given the local anasthesia. the pain started to kick in once the anasthesia wore off. i was rather uncomfortable and didn't rest well during the night even though i was so drowsy from the painkiller tablet. i was also prescribed the antibiotic and so didn't get fever at all.

so far, my tastebud doesn't seem to be disrupted at all though some nerves and bone were cut. i ate pretty well the day after. the only difficulty is when i try to open my mouth wide and swallow food down my esophagus.

* it was 1/6 of a 250gr of beef. i'm ok having beef steak as long as it is fresh. i think the mustard also did the trick to cover the smell. yum! (i mean, yay!)


Wednesday, April 16, 2008

questioned wisdom

tomorrow's ordeal will be a 90-min surgical removal for two of my wisdom teeth. mouth shut for a couple of days, and i'll be fine.
(in fact, i can pray instead, no talking out loud needed).


Thursday, April 03, 2008

joel - in a nutshell

Outline the message of Joel and mention how his prophecy is fulfilled in the New Testament.

Joel was a prophet of God that spoke on God’s behalf toward God’s people in the Southern kingdom (Judah)[1]. The book didn’t refer to a specific timeframe of the prophetic activity but the content probably suggested of a period (ca. 835) before Judah went to the Exile in Babylon. The reference to the northern army in Joel 2:20 could be indicative of God’s impending judgment toward Judah through the invasion of the Babylonian armies in 587 BC.

The message of the book of Joel is tied to Joel’s prophetic ministry. It serves to call God’s covenant people into repentance. Throughout the book, the covenant languages (“your God” [2], “my people” [3], “his people” [4]) used echo the special relationship that God had with Israel. However, that relationship was threatened by Judah’s inevitable inability to keep the covenant. The specific sins committed weren’t particularly mentioned, but they were serious enough for God to pronounce judgment and punish his people. Moreover, God later punished the nations He used to punish Judah. As the nations were punished, the merciful God not only saved his people once they repented, but also deliberately blessed them as his covenant people.

Joel unpacked his message quite structurally within the theme mentioned above. The book opened with a literal judgment of a devastating locust plague (1:2-12) on the land. A call to repentance (1:13-20) starting with the spiritual leaders and then encompassing all who lived in the land was ensued immediately.

The notion of the “Day of the Lord” [5] is a further development of God’s judgment (2:1-11) following the immediate judgment of the locust plague. Joel senses that “the plague is a precursor to Yahweh’s final, decisive visitation upon Judah” [Dumbrell, 2002]. It was depicted using the imagery of an army of locusts that Yahweh led to invade the land and cause the people to terrify.
Having depicted the terrifying scene, Joel again summoned the people to rend their heart to the gracious and compassionate God (2:12-17). The only way of salvation is to surrender to the One who is slow to anger and abounding in love[6]. To start with, the people were to gather as an assembly to perform a ritual public service of lamentation as an expression of the total commitment of the heart. Then, it’s up to the Lord to have pity on them[7].

Indeed, as surely as His loving character, God offered two certain responses to the repenting people. The first one (Joel 2:18-27) which addresses the immediate situation corresponds to the reversal of the covenant curse of the locust plague[8] followed by the restoration of the barren land into a fertile one[9]. However, the ultimate concern here is God’s glory and the removal of the people’s shame[10].

The second (Joel 2:28-3:21) response branches out in time[11] as a further demonstration of God’s deliverance [New Bible Commentary, 1994]. Firstly, the outpouring of the Spirit (2:28-32) to all people[12] (meaning everyone in Israel) speaks of a new era of a perfect relationship between God and his people. Using Ezekiel’s language, God would give new hearts to his people. They would all understand God’s law as it would be written on their hearts (Jeremiah). As the people reflected upon His word in the sense of a prophet would speak of God’s word, they would all obey him. The fulfillment of this prophecy in the New Testament will be described further later.

Secondly, as mentioned earlier, God later punished the nations that treated his people unjustly and oppressively (Joel 3:1-16). God himself vindicated the suffering of his people inflicted by the foreign nations. His purpose to chasten his own people through the invasion of the nations has culminated in God punishing the nations for their own accounts of wickedness (i.e. the looting of the temple treasuries, the enslaving of the war prisoners[13]). The just God is indeed the stronghold for his people.

Thirdly, not only does God promise the spiritual blessing through the outpouring of his Spirit, but also his presence as a covenant God in the midst of his people will only mean that physical blessings are being materialized throughout the land as well (Joel 3:17-21). God’s presence in Zion is a sign that he is ready and willing to bless his people and no foreigners can invade Judah again and take the blessings away.

In the NT, we see the fulfillment of Joel’s outpouring of the Spirit prophecy in Acts 2. Peter was quoting Joel as he addressed the crowds on the day of Pentecost. Those God-fearing Jews, to whom the Spirit was poured down on, spoke in many languages as befitted toward their hearers whilst declaring the wonders of God. Peter further explained the reason for the giving of the Spirit, which came from God the Father to the risen Jesus who is both Lord and Christ having conquered death as one prophesied from the line of David[14].

The significance of the Spirit given to the Jews would later extend to include the gentile believers[15] as well, precisely as prophesied by the prophet Joel that “everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.” [16] Those who believe in the message of the gospel of Christ (of his death and resurrection) are those whom God has called and will pour his Spirit onto as a seal of guaranteed salvation achieved in Christ. The “last days” has come since Jesus’ first coming has ushered in the new age while the old age is still rolling.

[1] Joel 2:23, 32; 3:1 [2] Joel 2:13, 26-27; 3:17 [3] Joel 2:17, 3:2-3 [4] Joel 2:18; 3:16 [5] Joel 2:1, 11 [6] Joel 2:13 [7] Joel 2:14 [8] Deuteronomy 28:38 cf. Joel 2:20 [9] Deuteronomy 28:4, 8, 11, 12 cf. Joel 2:22-26 [10] Joel 2:26b-27 [11] Joel 2:28; 3:1 [12] Joel 2:28 [13] Joel 3:5-6 [14] Act 2:33 [15] Acts 2:11 [16] Joel 2:32a

Dumbrell, William J. 2002. The Faith of Israel – A Theological Survey of the Old Testament (2nd Edition). Baker Academic – Grand Rapids, Michigan.
New Bible Commentary – 21st Century Edition. 1994. Inter-Varsity Press, Illinois.


Sunday, March 30, 2008


Friday, March 28, 2008

behind the scenes

what's caleb up to?

he imitates people's actions really well. when you cough, laugh, shrug your shoulders, nod your head, squint your eyes, he seems to make a mockery of you by repeating the things you do. he is a champion when it comes to following most of your actions when dealing with the house chores. he wipes, brooms, vacuums, sorts out the newly-washed clothes except getting the more out of order, even move heavy things around.

he is a BIG BIG fan of hi-5. when he is in good mood, he'll utter "hi-hi-hi-hi" as many times as it pleases him while trying to perform the signature hand action. when he is in bad mood, he'll find consolation in watching the hi-5 dvd by yelling "wewi" (read: hi-5, not sure what makes him invent the wierd word and coerces everyone else to agree to his term).

when mom teaches him to knock at doors before entering people's rooms, he is just so well-instructed, he knocks back the door when you leave him alone to sleep in his room. sometimes things can happen as many as five to six times, so dad has to keep coming in and out the bedroom to put him to sleep. it's quite hillarious.

he seems to understand negotiation a lot. once you ask him to go to the bathroom to have a shower or two, he quickly refuses by saying "nope, nope", lying on the floor in front of you, and just smiling at you. he knows that he is wanted, so he holds back in return for more affirmation.

he doesn't cry when he falls, unless it is really bad. by the time you ask whether he is hurt by any chances, he takes advantage by shedding a few croc tears. when he does feel hurt, he cries with a high tone, making sure you know he really really is sad.

every single object that he can't name, he'll use the keyword "ga-gam" to let you try to understand him. so, ga-gam can be anything from your hair pin to your barbeque grill.

he was caught once out of the blue lying on the grass staring at the big blue sky for 4 minutes, just staring at the sky, no nothing, the adult way of enjoying the open air.

every time he is amused, he'll laugh really heartily.

he is very interested in other people's food.

he can't stand tickles-monster.

he taps like a musician.

he is brilliant.

(he has a biased aunty).

ps. to him, mi-mi and mu-mu are enough when referring to mommy and ciu-mu (uncle's wife). pretty lazy you reckon? just bad gene from dad side! (mwahaha)


Friday, March 21, 2008

22They brought Jesus to the place called Golgotha (which means The Place of the Skull). 23Then they offered him wine mixed with myrrh, but he did not take it. 24And they crucified him. Dividing up his clothes, they cast lots to see what each would get.

25It was the third hour when they crucified him. 26The written notice of the charge against him read: THE KING OF THE JEWS. 27They crucified two robbers with him, one on his right and one on his left. 29Those who passed by hurled insults at him, shaking their heads and saying, "So! You who are going to destroy the temple and build it in three days, 30come down from the cross and save yourself!" ...

33At the sixth hour darkness came over the whole land until the ninth hour. 34And at the ninth hour Jesus cried out in a loud voice, "Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani?"- which means, "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?" 35When some of those standing near heard this, they said, "Listen, he's calling Elijah."

36One man ran, filled a sponge with wine vinegar, put it on a stick, and offered it to Jesus to drink. "Now leave him alone. Let's see if Elijah comes to take him down," he said.

37With a loud cry, Jesus breathed his last.

mark 15:22-30, 33-37


Wednesday, March 12, 2008

the Chirst files

i am forwarding an email sent to me. i'm guessing that this documentary is a great start from Centre for Public Christianity (nothing there yet, kicking off Easter 08). the office is located at walker street in North Sydney where John Dickson and Greg Clarke will be based.

ps. John Dickson will be speaking at City Bible Forum (North Sydney) starting May 5th for 5 weeks on "The Christ Files".

Do your friends claim Jesus was only a legend and not a historical figure? Not sure how we know about Jesus outside of the Bible?

Watch (and tell your friends to watch) a great documentary (1hr) by Dr John Dickson "The Christ Files - How historians know what they know about Jesus".

NOON Channel 7 on GOOD FRIDAY (21 March)

Shot in seven countries the documentary reveals the earliest and most important manuscript evidence for Jesus of Nazareth, including the writings of Josephus, Mara bar Serapion, the apostle Paul and the controversial Gnostic Gospels.

Interviews with a dozen of the world’s leading New Testament historians and access to some of Israel ’s most important archaeological sites give this work a unique authority.

Neither a work of fanciful scepticism nor of Christian propaganda.

The Christ Files provides viewers with front row seats to the facts behind the Western world’s most influential story.

More info: http://www.thechristfiles.com.au/ (DVD available now for
$24.95– see link) and more video clips at http://your.sydneyanglicans.net/media/video/


Thursday, March 06, 2008

code blue

this is a rather tough week, mainly physically, but emotionally as well. i think when one is not up to speed, the other aspects of your life sometimes get dragged along. that's life. and it's fine. one step at a time. it's called reality. and i'm totally ok. (i do sigh a bit from time to time, a normal human being, but God's providence is awesome, one reason not to let things suck the hell out of me).

monday - work got on its head. a little drama along the way which didn't really make me lose my cool. it wasn't the work itself which was out of the control, rather dealing with the people that you need to work along with. by the end of the day, problem was solved, and off i went. the bus was crawling halfway through. it was 6 pm, and i received an sms. the driving appt was cancelled. i totally forgot about it! it was in my calender. i still remembered it during the morning, but it got buried down my mind once i had to do a few things during the day. i couldn't have made it but it was simply taken care of just like that.

tuesday - a long day. i took a day off. spent half a day with other church members trying to welcome new indo students during the o-week and invite them to consider churching. it was a time well-spent. then evening class followed, and i soldiered on, and finally got home by 10.30 pm. tiring but the assignment got returned that night, with a little excitement.

wednesday - a long day. work was a bit unusual. after hours, went with a few workmates to have the half-price mussels at the belgian beer cafe. didn't really enjoy the convos for some reasons. rather tired as well. on the way home, missed one bus since it was over-crowded, finally got home by 11 pm.

thursday - two late nights in a row (plus a few unfolding dramas) upset me physically. had a quick chat with a colleague, ending up losing my cool a bit, though controlled. tough. and sad.

tomorrow and weekend - hopefully a good rest. reflect, recharge, re-focus, bring what may. a couple of things in mind. (and hopefully can spend time praying properly, letting my guts out).

ps. i suppose it's just clean to use a color coding subject, when i'm a little clueless of what title to use to capture the overall content and tone of a post.


Friday, February 29, 2008

almost a lefty

my chiro asked for the third time whether i'm a right or left handed. he thought that if he were to be in a pub, and someone was ready to hand in a hundred dollar note, he would have guessed that i'm a lefty. he wasn't entirely wrong. as a matter of fact, my left hand is quite cooperative in term of doing stuffs that don't require much precision. things like brushing my teeth, washing, scrubbing, using a mouse, writing on a board, ironing, carrying my bag on the left shoulder, playing badminton (possibly), holding my spoon (chopsticks are still challenging), etc.

i started using my left hand more since my right hand was suffering from repetitive strain injury at some point as a result of using a mouse.


Monday, February 25, 2008

some resources

these resources are available at the church library.
they are resources from the sovereign grace ministries that the library guys decided to supply the other day.
grab them, listen, read, sing, do whatever suit you! (illegal copying and not returning them are excluded).

In a Little While
Awesome God
You and You Alone - Overflow 5
Songs for the Cross Centered Life
In a Little While
Valley of Vision
Upward: The Bob Kauflin Hymns Project
Asleep in a Storm
West Coast Revival
Worship God Live
All We Long to See
Hide the Word 3: Once for All
Hide the Word 4: Refuge and Strength
I Stand in Awe
King of Grace
No Greater Love
Savior: Celebrating the Mystery of God Become Man

Am I Called? Discerning the Summons to Ministry
Disciplines for Life: Steps to Spiritual Strength
Growing Up Christian: Have You Taken Over Ownership of Your Relationship with God?
How Can I Change?: Victory in the Struggle Against Sin
Humility: True Greatness (Hardcover)
Living the Cross Centered Life: Keeping the Gospel the Main Thing (Hardcover)
Preaching the Cross


Sunday, February 24, 2008

Bonhoeffer on Discipleship and the Individual

"We are separated from one another by an unbridgeable gulf of otherness and strangeness which resists all our attempts to overcome it by means of natural association or emotional or spiritual union. There is no way from one person to another. However loving and symphatetic we try to be, however sound our psychology, however frank and open our behaviour, we cannot penetrate the incognito of the other man, for there are no direct relationships, not even between soul and soul. Christ stands between us, and we can only get into touch with our neighbours through him. That is why intercession is the most promising way to reach our neighbours, and corporate prayer, offered in the name of Christ, the purest form of fellowship."

Dietrich Bonhoeffer - The Cost of Discipleship, pg. 51


Friday, February 22, 2008

we meet again

the prayer meeting resumes today. it's refreshing to take an hour break to meet like-minded cns, share what's been happening at the workplace, and pray for one another. what a blessing to be surrounded by cns who have the Lord as their master!

(in contrast to many times annoying colleague, it's an antidote).


Thursday, February 21, 2008


i just did something stupid. i placed an unstamped envelope into a post office box. the thing is i am not quite sure what they are doing to those letters that aren't properly posted. it has my CC details inside. moreover, i don't want my foster child not receiving a gift just because the response form doesn't reach worldvision (argh!).

btw, soy milk doesn't mix with tea. they taste no good. this too, is a bit (..stupid, i must say). will probably try rice milk with tea next time.

what's the other word for stupid? (it sounds so stupid, negative i mean, though when something is stupid, you have no choice but to call it ..stupid?!).


Friday, February 01, 2008

in the world but not of it (part 1)

in the world but not of it (part 2)


Jesus rocks for new generation of true believers


Wednesday, January 30, 2008

you heard that

Sovereign Grace CDs and Books for Ridiculous Prices — and Free Shipping (in US).

during Feb 2008.

ps. can someone kindly let Matthias Media know about this? :)


Monday, January 28, 2008

a month-old caleb being shaved for the first time..


i missed those times i was taking some pictures..


Wednesday, January 23, 2008

truth be told

i was reading some news this morning. it was a moment of reflection as i came to term with two pieces of news reporting on two deaths.

one concerning a famous person, the other was an un-identified body.
one lying dead in his apartment in perhaps a well-known location in new york, the other floating on top of the water at the famous bondi beach in sydney.
one having pills near his body, the other a surf board tied to the body.
one making such headlines that quickly filled out the space in many websites, the other having only four sentences in a piece of news that even i was uninterested in checking out at the first place.
one with a lot being left behind yet brought nothing with him in the end, the other i wasn't sure whether he was a rich or poor, good or bad person, single or leaving behind the family who depends on him.
one remembered for his fine achievements and sorry for leaving so young, the other i don't know whether i'll ever know who he was unless the police tells the media and the media publishes the update.
one is heath ledger, the other is john doe.

yet they boil down to one reality. they died.

still a few days ago, i was reading some news. they concerned a vast number of people.
some (of the news) affect the businesses of those in the wealthy part of the world. still some of the turmoils and disorder in the third world.
some on translating to drastic actions taken to make things right (only comparable to eating an elephant, which is highly unlikely), still some told of the underlying problems that seem so untouch and could lead to even more injustice.

yet they boil down to a similar problem. those things that people think they could hang on to (money, people in leadership), are simply not delivering.

how many reasons does one need to come to term that nothing is right in this world and that something is missing in this life?

yet my atheist friend told me less than a week ago, "i don't believe in god". i suppose he doesn't want to, that's his problem, not whether there's a god or not. i suppose he doesn't need God, not whether it makes any difference if there's a god or not. however, i also suppose that with or without God, he still faces death who knows when, and with or without God, he still can't rely on himself, otherwise why are people unreliable or things aren't delivering? i suppose he feels good as a person, but that's not enough to solve the issue of life, precisely death.


Friday, January 18, 2008

adsense that makes no sense

at least to me.. so, it ends up getting chopped off from the site.

most of the stuffs turned out to be bizzare and un-endorsable though seemingly relevant to the page contents.

"find prayers in ebay."
"the end times."
"healthier, wealthier, wiser."
"single black men." (don't get me wrong on this one!)

ring the bell?

as much as i think google is way up of the pack in term of usability and creativity, i dislike being profiled this way.


tight pants

ugh, i hate wearing tight pants!
can't breathe, need oxygen. make me restless..
should have thrown or given them away!
i prefer wearing skirt if only the day is not too cold and i don't have to be physically active.

i tend to form attachment to my belongings, not that i have many things at the first place.
i dislike cluttered space, therefore, tend to not shop for the things that i don't need.
i even rarely shop for clothes, partly because people (especially my family) bought for me.
i happily receive and it saves me from being stressed out because of shopping.

sometimes to me, seeing people wearing tight pants is identical to them having wardrobe malfunction, though some say it's stylish. it must be the stressed hormone (tight pants!) that i talk like this.

but, oh, tight pants suck! they make me look skinny and i think i just gain a kilo (wohoo!)


Tuesday, January 08, 2008

letting off the steam

running is one of the weakest type of physical activities for me. but i'm quite intrigue to get it right.

and so today, after a few failed attempts in the past, i ran *
a distance of 2 km
in 20 mins
which was a speed of 200m/min

the secrets? keep breathing (deep breath and consistent) and very light shoes.

* it's a very slow pace indeed, nevertheless it's a personal record :)


Saturday, January 05, 2008

for the love of manga

the Messiah as superhero


Wednesday, January 02, 2008

the charming & the friendly

admittedly, aunty is a bit biased..


Tuesday, January 01, 2008

hopefully a new year resolution..

"The amount of transforming good you can do by prayer is incalculable. Don't
neglect this great work God has put into your hands. This year let's use both
our instruments to win people over to Christ. Let's work to change people's
minds with truth and people's wills with prayer."

John Piper - Prayer Changes People's Wills (January 7, 1996)


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