Tuesday, November 04, 2008

motor development of a two-years old

oh yeah, i was meant to blog tis, a while ago, supposedly.

a fly was up in the air, flying undisturbed and perhaps deservingly. flying is what it does best, so by, glorfying its maker.

meanwhile, a two-years old, being sinful in nature (though there is much more to grasp on this front), and more so living in a world tainted by relationship breakdowns at various levels, (and yet, only innocently immitating at what he saw others were up to at some point), in an audacious move, swaying his arms up and down, while shushing at the poor single little fly in an attempt that can only means an un-welcome-ness at odd.

and guess what he was holding while swaying and shusing?

a half pair of ciu-ciu's smelly * socks! up in the air (and down, and up, again and again).

hope people have had a good day today, otherwise, cheers up for having read up to this line!

ps. smelly can only mean bearable here (read: ciu-ciu's personal hygiene is up on par with some of the girls that i know, even a little more!).


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