Sunday, December 30, 2007

last random musing of the year

a colleague invited some of us to her place to have a potluck lunch yesterday. it was a simple gathering, but at the same time an opportunity to get to know them other than at the workplace setting. they are early to mid-thirties asian immigrants (from hongkong, malaysia, and vietnam) with two small kids for each couple. two couples had some exposure to cn-ity, but it wasn't personal for them. so, i was rather curious how the convos might turn the fact that they are at a different age group and stage of life than mine, plus being non-indo and non-cn. an interesting mix.

by the end of the gathering (btw, this is not meant to be rocket-science, you are probably aware of it to an extend), i found that people are interested in talking about the challenges brought by a particular stage of life people are at. so, it's only sensible that they touched base on issues like properties, kids' schooling, the working regime which could all be summed up under the umbrella of 'raising your family'. it wasn't as if the weight of the convos was pulled down heavily in this direction, but there was at least a hint of 'keeping up with the joneses' flavour being implicated throughout (it's hard not to, this is a very much human tendency). i had off course been a couple of times involved in group convos (though more so listening than talking) where people treated these subject matters as if these are all that matter (cns are no exception!).

remarkably, i found them to be quite accommodating, somehow more than the typical indo gatherings i had been. the rest of them speak cantonese, not so me (not even a hint!), but i wasn't too left out in the convos. Some of them made more sense through the way they talk.

i guess my point is not to compare between us and them, or that making a generalisation that they are somehow a nicer group to be in. one gathering shouldn't justify.

it will be however appealing that cn groups live out what mark us as cn, being salt and gracious as we relate to others in cn or non-cn settings. we can talk about the things of this world (after all, it's still our present reality and in fact, these things are points of contact toward non-cns) but they are not the centre of our life. we can make more sense because we have the truth, so to speak (forgive the sounding of rightful exclusivity, but cns don't make this claim, it's from the Bible). we can be enjoyable people to hang out with but fun is not the essence of things (in fact, we stick when one suffers).

i guess being an introvert, it's out of my league to be an initiator or the dominant voice in a convo. if you're such person, take the chance, just be a cn in your convos! (and you have my backing, for sure, just don't sound like a scratched cd, mind you).


Saturday, December 29, 2007

let the music speak

of thy greatness!

i went with mien on friday to enjoy a performance in the sydney opera house. it was brought by the australian philharmonic orchestra that consists of fifty talented musicians including the conductor. there were also one soprano, one tenor, one baritone, a young violinist and a choir of a hundred people bringing roughly twenty pieces of awesome performances with much touch of professionalism and experiences. it lasted for three hours with fifteen minutes intermission in the middle.

the whole performance was wrapped in a vienna theme, showcasing the waltz, polka, and marching rhythms. europe has a rich history of arts.

it all sounds rather cultured, apart from i had to walk barefeet on my way back from the bus stop to home. i chose to walk down the small path and after a few lookbacks, the walk seemed to be quiet enough in a broad summer daylight to take off my sleek semi-covered high-heels (not that high at all!). oh, and i smiled to an elderly taking a stroll with her grand-daughter as we passed on each other. four of my toes blistered! needless to say, i'm no beauty queen at heart ;)


Thursday, December 27, 2007

the tomatoes are in season..

look, the whole fam is enjoying the succulent tomatoes from the backyard, thanks to bro!
it took three months of constant care like raking the soil, seeding, staking, watering, spraying for pests, pruning, and finally reaping..

one of the two types planted is the black russian tomatoes (see pic).
there are many of them from fifteen to twenty plants. some yield really big ones.

almost a year ago, i had the faintest idea to test if gardening is in my blood. so i bought two packets of seeds consisting of mixed garden salad and baby carrots. However, as time goes by, the seeds were never released off their packages. they die down with my sometimes pragmatic philosophy. so my bro took over the project. he bought some tomato and chilly seeds. he attends to them daily after work. he drags along his wife. he watches things grow. he just enjoys doing it!


Wednesday, December 26, 2007

what a year it has been!

some highlights:

- family under God's care. a few things from people's sharings this year has been spurring me in being persistent in pleading to God for their sake. needless to say, i treasure every sustained 'chaotic' moments that life has to offer being in a big family setting. what a joy to help and be helped!

- the friendships that God brought along at workplace. i thought people's openness and eagerness to listen (not) more than i'm willing to share Christ at the first place is a priceless lesson indeed.

- the fortnightly prayer meetings organised by ecom. it's encouraging to meet like-minded cns to support one another in our witness at work.

- the weekly bible study peers. thanking God for His providence that together we are given the opportunities to grow in the knowledge of Christ. and for God's blessings really even in the physical term: azar, eileen and nat graduated in flying colors from college and uni, cyn goes to bible college next year, nat got a job recently, selda keeps coming back for more (hopefully! wierd as this sounds!), moi having the priviledge to see that God's at work in their life.. (breath in, breath out - a sign of unstable emotional pressure in chest, not necessarily a bad thing, btw).

- the cn friends for our love (and hate :) -ing relationships. it's amazing how God is able to mould His people at church! thank God for the warning and assurance in 1 John 2.

some lowlights:

yes, there have been one or two (and they hurt! writing these makes me teary once again, but it's for my sanity that i acknowledge this, since when did i speak like a psycholog?). and it's dissapointing to have to 'sacrifice' (i'm sure it's not the most precise wording i could have been using and i must say i'm not the only 'victim' here, any unheart perspectives count, so to speak) some friendships, partly due to my conscience and partly for a few prayers said that God allowed in perceiving the much ungodliness involved in people's life and myself included. a blessing in disguise, it made me realise and appreciate more of God's loving action in sacrificing His own Son for sinners like me and you who cause much troubles yet escape unharm.

ps. i forbid anyone to comment on the lowlights, it's a close chapter of my life. i appreciate the unexpressed symphaty, if any (breath in, breath out..).


Tuesday, December 25, 2007

--> here to : more to

have a blessed christmas! i hope you've found that very reason to celebrate.
if not, why not read from the Gospel Mark and see for yourself.

(lyrics by Don Moen)

Christmas is about his glory
Christmas is about his grace
Christmas is a gift of love
Our Father gave us

More than just another story
About a special time and place
Christmas is a time to lift a song of praise


Angels filled the night with singing
God is reaching out to man
Bringing us a gift of hope
In Christ our Savior

More than just a time of giving
This is God's eternal plan
And christmas is the reason
We can sing again


Monday, December 17, 2007

may be feasible after all

i'll be working with half brain until christmas break, so i've decided to do myself a favor to use the other half trying to listen to online sermons. i've got to say it's not so easy this time to multitask as was in the past, but i'll try anyway.

i'm trying to read a biography during the christmas break. if you have a suggestion or the book that you think is quite interesting, just let me know. i'm having a few books (or articles from blogs/magazines) that i'm reading simultaneously at the moment. among them are 'the spectator's guide to world religions' and 'nothing in my hand i bring'.

christmas is close, and thought i'll do something quite simple that i had not been very good at doing in the past. i've got a pack of christmas cards that i bought the other day, and trying to give them away to not so familiar people that i am used to hanging out with (i.e. non church friends). It still takes me some time to think what to write (i haven't got a clue, btw!) and whether to also put a tract/invitation to church christmas service alongside the card. i want it to be distinctly cn (read: unlike the politically correct way of celebrating christmas where the meaning is lost to the individual liking) but not too overtly that it scares the recipients off. i've off course thought of 'seducing' them with a small amount of chocolate in return to counter any effect that they will indirectly feel toward (eh, i should not dob myself in) . i need to do a little bit more in term of the packaging. and i'm rather clueless where to get some materials from.

do you have an idea or two? what are you thinking of doing, something simple to be assertive or carpe diem during christmas this year? it will be good to share your ideas around, as a stock of ideas for next year perhaps.


Friday, December 14, 2007

a thanksgiving dinner

i attended ecom's thanksgiving dinner this tuesday. it wasn't surprising to find out that many prayers which were woven into the meeting would be so encouraging. the prayer subjects vary from ecom's activities, supporters' sharings, ecom's staffs, still some other general thanksgiving items. God has certainly been blessing the ministry of ecom throughout the year, as He always has, despite some challenges. there was also a brief bible talk taken from 2 cor. 2:14-3:6.

it has been a positive one!


Friday, December 07, 2007

from someone who doubts my sense of humor *

kudos to God for changing His people!

personal testimony really is powerful. thanks for sharing, hyn :)
ephesians 1 captures my thought as I read it.

* my sincere apology that you only see things in black and white.
but, you're right, so black is that sin that left to ourselves, we're powerless.
it's overwhelming that there's every spiritual blessing in Christ, isn't it?


Thursday, December 06, 2007

fully sick! ahahahA!

i watched four episodes yesterday, and four today before kicking my brain off to work. it makes me more productive afterward having recharged with a surge of 'happy' hormones. looking forward to yet another day.. charming!


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