Thursday, September 29, 2005


the wkc 2005 pictures have been uploaded to ipc site.



haven't written to deyanira for quite sometime. thought i'd ask her a couple of questions:

  • what she'd like to be when she's a grown-up?
  • how is she enjoying school at the moment?
  • how is her sunday school going?
  • does she keep any pets?
  • what's her favourite color?

the reason i haven't written to her is last time she asked for a picture of me, but i have forgotten to print it out, and it has slipped through my mind ever since.

she's an active kid in sunday school and doing her bit in helping out other kid as well. she enjoys caring for her little brother, and is very close to him akin being his little mom. cute little big sis!



my grocery cost me less than $15 at aldi (a.k.a brandless coles with the same quality nevertheless) for all the goodies that i'm always interested in:

honey, mixed nuts, mixed greens for salad, butter shortbread, mushrooms, and asparagus!

should bring my own recycle-bag next time.


Tuesday, September 27, 2005

wkc talk 2 Elizabeth Foord

Looking out from your own little world - 2 Corinthians 5:11 - 6:2

Our world is both wonderful and horrible. It's both beautiful yet bad things also happen. What's our own little world like? Are we living in comfort zone, feeling secure being a Cn that we are saved, and progressing in our life being a good husband/wife or whatever it is that we are looking into for life.

Yet, we have no vitality in us if we only take in and never give out. It's not what God intends our life to be. God wants us to be His people who light the world that He may be glorified.
What are our motivations, messages and methods to take His Gospel into the world?

1. Movitations.

  • the fear of the Lord (v10-11)

Our bible knowledge may be great, and we sometimes see the need of the people surround us of the Gospel, but we are lacking in motivation to share it. We should have reverential fear to our Lord because we'll have to stand before God at the end. The accountability here is not refering to our working to earn the salvation (because it's only by grace through faith in Christ), but rather toward the opportunities/gifts that God has given us to glorify Him. Therefore, it's a non-cringing fear that reveres Him by sharing Him knowing that He's both loving and just.

  • the love of Christ (v14)

Put together, love of Christ as we're supposed to respond to His love takes away the legalism in fearing Him because we have to stand before Him. Knowing that Christ died for His people, Paul had a different point of view, a new understanding with regard to Christ and His people, that this becomes a compelling factor in Paul's life that drives him under compulsion in sharing Christ. This is not an ego-centric to have such passion, but rather Christo-centric. Evangelism is not a Cn's hobby, rather it's a rescue operation that concerns a matter of life or death of others.

2. Messages

  • God reconciled us to Himself through Christ (v16).

The fact that Paul talks about reconciliation means there's a need to be reconciled. Everyone has been alienated by sins from God. We live in disobedience, therefore we're enemies of God. Reconcilition is when two estranged people are brought together. The whole world is alienated to God and one another because of our own choice in rejecting God. Yet God made Jesus who had no sins to be sin for us, so that we might become the righteousness of God (v21). Because we've broken the law of God, we have to suffer the consequences of paying for our sins to be alienated and seperated from God. When Christ died on the Cross, the totalilty of the whole said was laid on Him. He was the substitution. The fact that He rose again, shows that God accepted His sacrifice for us.

  • A new creation in Christ (v17)

Since Christ died for our sins, we have forgiveness, a fresh start, and we are new creations. We're being transformed but we are not perfect. We have a new life, a new family in God.

3. Methods

  • In love (v14)

Gently and lovingly through relationship-building, with sensitivity that the whole world needs to hear.

  • Sacrificial way (v15)

Christ died, that those who live should no longer live for themselves, but for Him who died for them. Because we are new creatures, we have a new way of life. A godly life is important. We have peace in our heart and are contend with God. We all can build relationships that is sacrificially for the good of others.

  • Being ambassadors on God's behalf who persuade (v11;20).

"I want you to know this.." that there's no other way to God. Imploring to others of the truth.

Therefore, look out from our comfort zone, and experience the joy of being part of god's plan for salvation. And know the depth of the satisfaction that comes from loving and praying for the salvation of others.


Sunday, September 25, 2005

hey Rose!

r u surviving out there? you were prayed for at pemuda (our ministers did), bible study, personal prayers, n lots and lots of them.. feeling warm n fuzzy?! i mean.. how do things work out for everyone there?

tootles.. (u still owe me a dinner heh.. be back safely :)


2nd attempt: this is how the days unfold..


once upon a year.. [running defrag for memory storage]

  • called mom, chatted, she didn't quite remember according to the gregorian calender, off course, she's used to the chinese's, therefore a good excuse :)
  • with jesse, to customs house, closed at 4 pm, just arriving, then headed to the mca for some contemporer arts.
  • cindy and the gank, from across the road, "hANN..VYY.. hAPPPY BIRTHDAY!!" man, that was loud! liking the sound of it, such youthful and vigorously, like when you're about to be ambushed from behind by an enemy! then my reply, "THat's LOvely.." o well, thought it didn't reach them, diluted in the air, got the shakiest voice ever, on earth, as usual.. :)
  • alone, at park beside church, reading 'what women really want need', enjoying the serenity of park.
  • with sis n andreas, lunch at the randwick's vietnamese pho lee..
  • kingsford church, saw amel, almost the real winner in coming 2 months, surprise, surprise, it's huge, since the last time noticed it. got simple suggestion from mavis for the scones-making session.
  • with fellow bro-n-sis, bible studying, pretty lame for a birthday song for a start, sincere nevertheless, while enjoying some buns, last study for romans.
  • spoiled lyd's little surprise for the flower that she bought, with a message "dearest vyie, flower withers & life's passing. wishing you Jesus & God's grace. happy birthday sis!" yep, i know, pretty irresistible for a birthday wishes..
  • church, after the service at randwick, lots of frontal and lateral sisterly hugs, made me all weepy :) plus a massage voucher from jesse, hA! she must have cheated to have known it from rose! so it says, "..pray that you may keep the fire burning in living out God's word. if in any ways you got burnt out, try this massage place, it'll help you relax, hehehe.." yes, i'll try getting burnt out every year now n then ;)
  • sis wishing happy birthday early in the morning, start counting how many would be throughout the days, then andreas..
  • james called in at 12 am, sincere and innocence.. wishing me a happy birthday offcourse.
  • [saturday avro at pemuda, yeh, this was where it all started, those premature birthday wishes, don't mind them off course!]

those hugs from: anna-antya-audrey-bobon-ing-ipung-jessy-jule-ling-lyd-mavis-nat-sis.. eh, how many germs already?! losing the counts..


tis is how the day unfolds..

[yep, it got wiped out when i was about to post it!! ]



tks lyd :)


Thursday, September 22, 2005

wkc talk 1 - Elizabeth Foord

looking out when things go wrong..

2 Corinthians 1:1-11

Out of sufferings and difficulties can come strenghts and blessings. Paul starts this letter with a praise to God in the midst of all his hardship because God is a God of comforter. Knowing this, we can always turn to God who shows compassions when things surround us fall apart, whether physical challenges, problems in our surroundings, and especially those that come as a result of carrying our cross as Christians (i.e. rejection by others).

There are benefits to sufferings:

  • Comforts from God (v4) as we turn to Him, be it through His words, friends, etc.
  • Ministry opportunities (v4) as we emphatise with others having been comforted by God Himself.
  • Taking part in Christ's suffering (v5) when we are faithful in our walks with Christ.
  • Reliance on God than ourselves (v9) and the assurance that He'll deliver us again and again.

Therefore, we shouldn't be discouraged, but keep on praying to God, not just looking into the hardship, but look up to God and let God uses us to emphatise with others in order for His comforts to overflow to others.


Wednesday, September 21, 2005

wkc 2005

wkc had been enjoyable! it's encouraging to see so many women are willing to spend the weekend being taught by God's word. the teachings are faithful and pratically encouraging at the same time. we went with the other 13 gals from the church, and needless to say, the guys drivers really really like it so much to spend time with the girls ;) that they went to put themselves into the trouble of getting into the wrong house, thus not being able to use the keys, and spent the first night sleeping on the floor at the girls' place (hehe.. dave and ken had actually done a truly wonderful job in sending the girls back and forth!)

i intend to be repetitive here, that so many times through the conventions, i'm overwhelmed by Cns who are faithful in their walks as shown in their life, through the sharing of the speakers or those being interviewed. i believe that they have been touched by God's word that they are so willing and ready to give up their life to embrace the priviledge of being part of God's bigger plan in bringing His word into the world to save or living a life worthy of the gospel however mundane such life can turn into sometime. such is a life worth living, so humble that it produces joys in Him though the walks so many times are full of challenges even to the point of facing discouragements. but yes, one day the hope is going to be realised, an eternity that worths present and on-going difficulties as we keep being faithful in God.

godly life is attractive, sharing Him is even more!

i will try posting more later.


Friday, September 16, 2005

bum bum cak

bum bum cak.. we will, we will rock you..
(i'm sorry, the chanting sounds real lame.. what can you expect, a geek doesn't impress..)

it's sis' birthday today! Happy birthday!

leave your messages here if you wish :)


"to err is human, to repent divine; to persist devilish.."

it's amazing (i mean.. what disgrace!) that my brain doesn't let me down in the end :)

i was packing for wkc last night (yes, dude, it's tomorrow), my attitute lately has been that i can't be bothered to bring too many things. it's a joy to pack lightly, and seemed like i've put all the basics i need for the weekend. until later that night, oh, i'm supposed to bring salt, paper, corn flour and tea-towels, fine then. then this morning as i was about to shower, gee, i haven't put the tickets for wkc in my bag (considering everyone's ticket is with me, almost ruining everything!!). later, as i've walked out the door, damn.. the medicines!

P.S. i noticed lately, my blog posts had some mistakes, error-tolerance for a geek, that's the way it's!
roof, not roft! apparently roft is not an english vocab at all, shame it's not.. it sounds like something
esophagus, not throat, otherwise i wouldn't breathe.. gah!


Thursday, September 15, 2005

i threw part of my meats away during lunch, hiks!

i'm thinking that i might just give up on meats slowly and painlessly. and for the records, i never delight in enjoying beefs since my younger years. i just think that they really smell, and eating them always gives a hard time for my throat to swallow them through. if they are cooked in a way that disguises the smell, i can still stand them, only when they are pretty raw in smell do they pose such a yuck factor for my brain, kinda pukey.. as for chickens, lately i find them boring, simply said i don't enjoy meat as much as i did when i did find them ok. pork is by far the most edible for my stomach, but i guess the consumption will be less than usual in the future, though i don't intend to be a vegetarian at all, i won't give up on seafoods, off course.


Wednesday, September 14, 2005

a geek rumination

had a lunch plus quick bible study with jesse at the university of sydney yesterday. so, it was my 3rd tour into the uni, felt like i was a uni student again, but if you ask, so far i've never thought of ever going back to uni again. too much study is tiring for the body.

the rest, spent the time working in the library for some maintenance that i had to finish. getting home quite late, waiting for andreas to pick up, so it was the reading business again.

i'm thinking that i'm turning into a geek as some have 'wrongly accused', and i start to give into this crap name labelling scheme :) well, if i'm to write my own autobiography, i've put some thoughts about some catchy one-liners that turn people off from reading it, something like blahblahblah - 'About a Geek', 'A Geek Life', or 'The Geek Documentary'. you people..!

P.S. if you can think of a more catchy one-liner, i'm more than happy to leave the title and the one-liner trademark to whoever it may be ;)


rant #140905

i spotted peter blasina, the channel 7's gadget guru at the greenwood shopping centre in north sydney an early 8 am this morning. he acted as if he is never known by people considering his tv presence sometimes, and i acted as if i never know him at all as a response :) can't stand his hawaian shirt many times, the only same light blue color one, which he wore this morning! ugh..

anyway, i was very early this morning, since andreas was leaving by 7 am, i reached north sydney by 7.20 am, decided to read a book before stepping into the office by 8.30 am for a meeting. i reckon this is one way to get me to read, nice! otherwise, i'll be too tired to read when i'm back, or it's too early to wake in the morning.


Sunday, September 11, 2005

the bridge 2


the bridge


Friday, September 09, 2005

won't you believe?

this song is a big hits of the 90's. it's no surprising that the lyrics depict so vividly and cry out loudly from the roft top a skeptic's respond to the problem of evil, suffering and faith.

Something to Believe in

Will I see him on the tv
Preachin’ ’bout the promised land
He tells me to believe in jesus
And steals the money from my hand

Some say he was a good man
But lord I think he sinned, yeah
Twenty-two years of mental tears
Cries a suicidal vietnam vet
Who fought a losing war on a foreign shore
To find his country didn’t want him back

Their bullets took his best friend in saigon
Our lawyers took his wife and kids, no regrets
In a time I don’t remember
In a war he can’t forget

He cried forgive me for what I’ve done there
Cause I never meant the things I did

And give me something to believe in
If there’s a lord above
And give me something to believe in
Oh, lord arise

My best friend died a lonely man
In some palm springs hotel room
I got the call last christmas eve
And they told me the news

I tried all night not to break down and cry
As the tears rolled down my face
I felt so cold and empty
Like a lost soul out of place

And the mirror, mirror on the wall
Sees my smile it fades again

Sometimes I wish to God I didn’t know now
The things I didn’t know then
Road you gotta take me home

I drive by the homeless sleeping on a cold dark street
Like bodies in an open grave
Underneath the broken old neon sign
That used to read jesus saves

A mile away live the rich folks
And I see how they’re living it up
While the poor they eat from hand to mouth
The rich is drinkin’ from a golden cup

And it just makes me wonder
Why so many lose, so few win

You take the high road
And I’ll take the low road

Sometimes I wish to God I didn’t know now
The things I didn’t know then

And give me something to believe in


And people leave out from the equation that God is the hurted party, not (only) us. We are suffering the consequences of our rebellion of Him. God is the party whose rights of justice has been wrongly violated. He let the evil to triumph, but in Christ, God, the sovereign one who is in control of even the most wicked evil act of injustice on the Cross, was reconciling the sinners to Him again.

Isaiah 53:3-7

3 He was despised and rejected by men,
a man of sorrows, and familiar with suffering.
Like one from whom men hide their faces
he was despised, and we esteemed him not.

4 Surely he took up our infirmities
and carried our sorrows,
yet we considered him stricken by God,
smitten by him, and afflicted.

5 But he was pierced for our transgressions,
he was crushed for our iniquities;
the punishment that brought us peace was upon him,
and by his wounds we are healed.

6 We all, like sheep, have gone astray,
each of us has turned to his own way;
and the Lord has laid on Him
the iniquity of us all

7 He was oppressed and afflicted,
yet he did not open his mouth;
he was led like a lamb to the slaughter,
and as a sheep before her shearers is silent,
so he did not open his mouth.


That we might have hope. Hope that doesn't dissappoint us, because God's bringing in a new order of creation, where evil is no-more. God is merciful, giving the time for people to repent, therefore we don't treat His patience as an opportunity to pay back evil with evil or despair, but we wait.

Romans 8:19-25

The creation waits in eager expectation for the sons of God to be revealed.
20For the creation was subjected to frustration, not by its own choice, but by
the will of the one who subjected it, in hope 21that[i]
the creation itself will be liberated from its bondage to decay and brought into
the glorious freedom of the children of God.

22We know that the whole creation has been groaning as in the pains of childbirth right up to the present time. 23Not only so, but we ourselves, who have the firstfruits of the Spirit, groan inwardly as we wait eagerly for our adoption as sons, the redemption of our bodies. 24For in this hope we were saved. But hope that is
seen is no hope at all. Who hopes for what he already has? 25But if we hope for
what we do not yet have, we wait for it patiently.


Thursday, September 08, 2005

my lunch break

eh, i laid for 15 mins on the grass during my lunch break. it's such a clear sky and blue one. i walked down the park that overlooks the harbour bridge and opera house. you can imagine that it's posh in a classy nature-style to be able to lay down there and just enjoy the much envied view as such, while letting the sunshine do you a favor to top up the early spring brisk wind. refreshing and stress free.. you need not bothering anymore paying off the mortgage for a water-front property, while you can just let the sky be the roft :)


Tuesday, September 06, 2005

let there be sleep

my eyes
are heavy..

drug me
and i'll leave

before reality
could i not dream?

promise then
i'll wake and be good

next time
if i sleep, i will again..


Monday, September 05, 2005

waterlogged inside the bag

mi mobi'le is dead! until i get a new replacement, do contact me via emails or homephone if necessary.


Sunday, September 04, 2005

dots for dummys

in dots, below is a quick one:

  • a bit of time on sunday for reading is enjoyable, finishing john dickson's 'if i were god, i'd end all the pains'. i reckond he's good at presenting complex stuffs in a simple way. the reason for picking his book is a combination of an easy reading and interesting topic. it does give a motive to pursue further on the topic.
  • bought some seeds today, baby carrot and mixed greens for salad. not that am trying to expand the interest in gardening, but it just striked me this morning while at bunning's (andreas bought himself a father's day tool, pstt.. ;) that the spring needs a celebration. wrapped in good spirit, thought i'd give life to these potential seeds. huh, talk about 14 weeks of growing and looking after these little babies, it sure needs a bit of an ego booster like the previous sentences, wait till they are being devoured by snails, or chomped down by those bloody rats or the neighbourhood cats. hope this does nurture a feminine nature to care and hard-work's paid-off by the organic produces, hahha.
  • watched spanglish on friday nite. thought this movie is perfecto senorita! those kind that made me yell out damnit, it's good to be alive! i mean, how often would you watch one that promotes those values as meaningful in this movie, a single mom going an extra mile to set an example for her daughter. struggling as anybody would, still she restrains from being selfish the way she relates to others. and what about those little psychological game and emotions in play throughout, a jealous mom with principles being possessive of her adorable daughter admired by another insecure mom, a family man greatly appreciated by others but not his compulsive 21st-century wife, an unrepentant alcoholic nanna with real common sense in her advices nevertheless, a little girl with real soul forced to struggle with her appearance from the external party, and you'd better watch yourself to enjoy the humorous acts adapted inside. i thought tea leoni plays it well as she always has. adam sandler finally gets out of his comfort zone in playing comical roles, and paz vega is truly feminine and perhaps too good to be true to be a by-product of hollywood!


Thursday, September 01, 2005

the black cat by allan edgar poe

interestingly enough, this story depicts the very reality of a wretchedness of evil human doings, which nature is unsurprising of the perpetrator himself.



romans 7

by far, it's more difficult to understand this passage than the previous chapters studies. it lingers my mind and creates a deadlock as a matter of fact having been bombarded by various opinions that others have put forward in interpreting this passage. the biggest obstacle so far is in trying to find out the flow of chp. 6-8 as a whole that would minimise the possibility of paradoxical conclusions.

taken lightly, the message of chp 6 and 8 seems to flow well, but chp 7 seems to propose a differing standing that entangles the unity of the message in chp 6-8. the idea of chp 6 is a clear one that a Cn had been freed from sin through the union with Christ, dead to sin and alive in Christ. no longer is a Cn living under the old way of the written code, rather they are now under grace, living under the control of the Spirit. in chp 8, this new way of live is again and even much more being emphasized by the message here. chp 7 seems to be the thrust, yet a Cn still struggles with sin?

at one point, i suppose that the distinctive conclusions both carry some weights and therefore both are correct as far as the experiences of many Cns. the problem is heighten when i blame sin in my flesh everytime i disobey God. this is rather bleak, isn't the Spirit within me, once converted? how could both definitions be true of a Cn?

i suppose it's even more complex to bring out the idea of interpretations that others have put forward with regard to chp 7:14-25. so, no joy!


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