"pilates is really good for you.."
i've been paying a couple of visits to the student to-be-chiropractors at mq uni. and having your body cracked and stretched exceeding their normal behaviour sounds a bit revolting at the first place. nevertheless, it makes my body feel really light and loose for a time. what's left is up to me taking it from now on, correcting those bad positions while sitting and standing, having more awareness of how the movement will in turn affect my posture, and the like, and ta-dar, i was told to exercise! of course.. (head: big deal! i've got to sort out my schedule, how often have i thought so, but the thought of it only is simply not enough, something needs doing practically..)
overall, i thought this is a bit like small things that lead to a bigger problem. and correcting the bigger problem will require small steps to be realistic. so, small is big, i had better be careful next time. it does imply that having consistency in small things is what counts after all, as simple as that, but as complex as finding it to be true after all the pains are giving me a shout!
a bit like our walk with the Lord, i digress..
the small decisions made, the consistently putting an effort to be godly, hopefully we're on the same page..
pilates, anyone?
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