Tuesday, October 31, 2006

my first pilates crash course

so, i went to this community library in north sydney yesterday and borrowed myself a video of pilates for the beginners. the dvd ones were mostly checked out. and this morning, i got some time to try things out. i like the simplicity involved in the exercises, meaning, the slower phase yet they 'ouch'. i think pilates is my thing.

the video is really only 35 mins, the joy of not having to overkill yourself with what you're trying to do. however, i suppose the crash course is probably more like a DIY one this time, despite the simple instructions. i found it difficult to control my breathing and kept remembering how to breathe properly while moving a pile of dead-wood (read: my body). and so, a couple of aches were expected. and how do i fix them? there's a 5 minutes free massage at shopping world in north sydney today. again, they 'ouch'.

ps. 'ouch' for banging my left elbow at the toilet this afternoon.


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