ciao for now..
wishing everyone a blessed Christmas and a happy New Year!
shall miss you all here.. :)
be back in mid Jan, hopefully refreshed!
~ not a single shaft can hit, till the God of love sees fit ~
wishing everyone a blessed Christmas and a happy New Year!
shall miss you all here.. :)
be back in mid Jan, hopefully refreshed!
at least, to illustrate further with reality over what Packer thought was the case almost 20 years ago since he first wrote the book, it seems to hold the validity still, even more todays..
Read's too long as a quote, but don't you think that the message rings the bell?
perhaps you and i are the middle-class cns with an orthodoxy view lying deep-down untouched in the subconscious.
J.I. Packer, Knowing God, p70-1.
"We talk glibly of the 'Christmas spirit', rarely meaning more by this than sentimental jollity on a family basis. But what we have said makes it clear that the phrase should in fact carry a tremendous weight of meaning. It ought to mean the reproducing in human lives of the temper of him who for our sakes became poor at the first Christmas. And the christmas spirit itself should ought to be the mark of every Christian all the year round".
"It is our shame and disgrace today that so many Christians - I will be more specific: so many of the soundest and most orthodox Christians - go through this world in the spirit of the priest and the Levite in our Lord's parable, seeing human needs all around them, but (after a pious wish, and perhaps a prayer, that God might meet those needs) averting their eyes, and passing by on the other side. This is not the Christmas spirit. Nor is it the spirit of those Christians - alas, they are many - whose ambition in life seems limited to building a nice middle-class Christian home, and making nice middle-class Christian friends, and bringing up their children in nice middle-class Christian ways, and who leave the sub-middle-class sections of the community, Christian and non-Christian to get on by themselves".
"The Christmas spirit does not shine out in the Christian snob. For the Christmas spirit is the spirit of those who, like their Master, live their whole lieves on the principle of making themselves poor - spending, and being spent - to enrich their fellow humans, giving time, trouble, care and concern, to do good to others - and not just their own friends - in whatever way there seems need".
"There are not as many who show this spirit as there should be. If God in mercy revives us, one of the tings he will do will be to work more of this spirit in our hearts and lives. If we desire spiritual quickening for ourselves individually, one step we should take is to seek to cultivate this spirit. 'You know the grace of our Lord Jesus Chirst, that though he was rich, yet for your sakes he became poor, so that you through his poverty might become rich.' (2 Cor. 8:9). 'Your attitude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus' (Phil. 2:5). 'I will run the way of thy commandments, when thou shalt enlarge my heart' (Ps. 119:32, KJV)"
i've screwed up with my works a couple of times, and still haven't found out what the problem was, disappointed! arGGH!! don't have much patience for this kind of craps.. :(
Read was rather surprising stormy rain late last night. the electricity went black-out. not much could be done, apart from covering my whole body inside the quilt and tried to be calm and sleep early, such a rare exercise. i'm never prepare for bad weather like late last night. and for the record, this kind of situation is my childhood phobia (or paranoia?!).
it didn't take annoying siblings to make me cry (oh btw, we didn't quite practise much of sibling rivalry way back that time :) all over again everytime i saw lighting bolts followed by deafening thunder during my primary years. my heart was weak. can't imagine how distracted every body's heart could be when they heard me crying, i suppose. coming down the list, the fireworks would occasionally scared me during the pre-new year celebrations (and those teenagers who had to wake early to prepare themselves during the ramadhan month, they made such a noise by lighting bangs 'petasan' everyday!)
i still freezed last night. but it's comforting to just pray to God for a calm heart. it works!
also visited slightly before the dinner was the japanese bookshop at best, just across the king street wharf. now let me say this to you, never ever be conned by glamorous advertisings for something new that'd rip your pockets, if you can be satisfied with second-hands, or just by borrowing them. they all look like new, perhaps i don't do my homework in term of shopping matters, but i've never come across a bookshop like this, the collection is pretty massive (well, for the wrong genre anyways, though many are well worth browsing at) with very decent pricing. i won't return though.
i had a chance on that day before the dinner, to wander off the harbour for an hour. the weather was wierdest, windy, rather stormy, but the sun did make its public appearance for seconds before the giant cloulds put it into 'sleep'. there weren't too many great ones, but i can't be bothered to sort a couple out, so simply publishing the lots if you'll be interested.. (above)
due to my lack of interest in gastronomy (i think it's too complicated, surely simply enjoying the food is what really matters to me, anyway), i never really can remember the official name of a dish, let alone meticulously mentioning what it's made of. but these two not only look superb, they taste great!
we had our dinner at kobe jones on one of the weeknights, a nice treat by rose! really full, it was as if the food could keep me alive till the next day.
pictured was andreas, hanny and rose.
spent one of those saturdays in such an unproductive fashion to my shame. physically, it didn't move me an inch to just sit still on the couch hours and hours till my body ached due to immobility, and my eyes kept feeling like savouring the papers in front of me. luckily it was also a combination of the weekend's papers and some lecture notes that i was trying to 'attach' myself into (read: this was probably more of a dance of procrastination than any goods the reading itself could be!). once in many occasions, i'm fully aware that this kind of activity can pull myself together after some time.. recharging inwardly (or rather, releasing the inner geek, as some have put it beautifully), but damaging at the physical level..
there, i came across an interesting article about a famous writer, whose high-profile have only been heard through this time (me, off course, i mean.. by me, sorry, didn't really intend to it to be misunderstood this way ;)
what i love about reading the article is the fact that it slightly introduces a person of his emotional level (not only what seems to be the appearance outwardly).
now, before you come into any conclusions, risk it at yourself if you should agree or disagree with any of the author's views (vonnegut), though i suppose it will only be a skin-deep connection through the article. however, what can't be denied is the fact that going through things can really put people into perspectives, and experiences sometimes come at a cost too high, that, to fully appreciate one who had gone through his ordeals, you can only accept his present reality without the ability to question too much (i mean, really, to question how such strong conviction was drawn afterall).
i'm sure it isn't going to be one that you'll regard highly overall, but i was entertained nevertheless.. it doesn't matter, just perhaps.. everyone perceives differently..
let me quote..
There are also wild bursts of life-affirming passion at odds with the overall negativity.
One is a Vonnegut plea for everyone to practise an art, because no matter how good or bad it is, the exercise will enhance the soul.
"Sing in the shower. Dance to the radio. Tell stories," Vonnegut commands.
"Write a poem to a friend, even a lousy poem. Do it as well as you possibly can. You will get an enormous reward. You will have created something."
darkness visible (kurt vonnegut jr.)
i had a dream last night, wake up twice, and the dream continued.. it wasn't surreal off course, i was the one dreaming... what was i thinking! all i know is that i was pretty tired that day, had a long one, started at 7.30 am and back home at 10.30 pm..
Read more...last night, i was making myself a cup of hot chocolate before going to sleep (a bit of a chocolate addict recently, not that bad, only that every then and now, i feel like having chocolate during some random hours).
so i put stuffs into my cup, some milk, and into the microwave. a minute later, i saw the rim of the glass exposing some white substance which i wasn't clear what it was, and the drink itself didn't quite mix. i thought i'd just stir and had a sip. something was wrong, it tasted really really salty. i had just put a spoonful of salt instead of sugar. they looked really alike, and the containers were similar, placed next to one another. off course! i sincerely believe that it was sugar that i put it, but not until i tasted it, i was convinced that it wasn't sugar, but salt rather.
thing like this occurs to us a couple of times. we can easily believe in something for the sake of believing, and not really knowing what it is that we believe in, until we trully look into it to find out that the real truth isn't there to believe in.
i reach office as early as 7.30 am (a couple of days a week) for three weeks now, but don't necessarily leave earlier than usual, gah!
i'm starting to get used to it, waking and starting early. a couple of times, i felt sleepy in the office. as long as i sleep well and early the night before, i prefer to start early (and leave early, i shall make it possible!). the rest, well, i hope i don't waste too much time doing nothing.
u've heard about it. if a person experiences a difficulty to sleep within longer than 30 mins after in bed, or waking up in the middle of the night and unable to sleep tight again, or waking for no apparent reason very early in the morning before the intended early enough hours, any of these that happens three times a week, for a period of a month or longer, then it's insomnia in any variety of degree after all.
and i'd appreciate it if it's not for anything urgent that people don't try to make an unintended call to 9380 7711 any later than 10.31 pm, nor sms, because i can be easily waken up by these (my mobile is on my bed-side desk, everytime i receive an sms on vibrate, i wake! that's how sensitive i'm and how annoying it's).
last night, i was unable to sleep. as i was ABOUT to, a phone call rang at 11.50 pm! nobody answered, and the effect can ruin me the next day, i'm feeling crappy..
btw, that's the FM103.2 people who care line above..
an update re intelligent design being taught in australian schools (christian schools and parents-controlled ones). a progress in itself, little may it be, the journey still faces many oppositions from the scientific angle..
Read my surprise, it's a joy in itself to be studying God's word. eventhough my reaction to assignment and exam won't be positive nowadays, discovering the truth about God is certainly a comfort at any times.
the assignment is due tomorrow. the question is: compare and contrast the function and content in the context of the christological hymns of Philippians 2:5-10 and Colossians 1:15-20.
In Philippians 2:5-11, Paul was exhorting the church in Philippi to imitate Christ’s humility. He was concerned of the unity in the church. By citing the example of Christ, Paul gets his point across that through living a humble life, unity in Christ is exhibited in actions that consider others better than themselves, as well as being unselfish to put the interests of others before them. The reasons for such unity are because Christians have been united with Christ (therefore they are to be like-minded as Christ who united them in Him), the fellowship with the Spirit (that extends to the fellowship among Christians in the Spirit), and as they have experienced God’s blessings of His love, tenderness, compassion; their relationships with one another should also be marked with the sharing of these blessings among them.
Moreover, this hymn also functions to clearly teach of the deity and humanity of Jesus Christ, the incarnate of God the Son into the world through a lowly living in a human appearance, yet this doesn’t mean to take away of the divinity of Christ, but rather that Christ was willing let go of His glory in order to submit to the Father’s will. And because of this perfect submission as a result of Christ’s humility, He was exalted by the Father to be the Lord of the heaven and earth.
In Colossians 1:15-20, Paul used the hymn to refute the heresy prone to the church that teaches worldly philosophies based on the Jewish and pagans’ traditions. Paul did this by revealing the fullness of God in Christ, and since this, Christians have also been given God’s fullness that alone is sufficient for them to remain in their faith in Christ, rather than having to conform still to regulations and principalities over which Christ has supremacy above all (first-born of all creations, head of the church, first-born from among the dead, even the Lord of reconciliation).
Both hymns have similarity in pointing out a couple of facts:
- That Jesus Christ is God, not more or less. Phil. 2:6 stated that Christ is the very nature of God, which means that He is fully God. Col. 1:15 pointed that Christ is the image of the invisible God, in whom God (the Father) was pleased to have all His fullness dwell in Him (Christ) v.19.
- The significance of Christ’s work on the Cross. Phil. 2:8 stated that Christ’s obedience to God shown in humility leads to the action of giving Himself to die on the Cross that results in His Lordship over the heaven and the earth. Col. 1:20 emphasizes that Christ is the agent of reconciliation that brought peace through His blood shed on the Cross.
- The ministry of Christ brings glory to God the Father. Phil. 2:11 stated that the exaltation of Christ is to the glory of God the Father. Col. 1:18 mentioned that God was pleased that through Christ to reconcile all things to Himself.
Reference: IVP Bible Commentary.
ps. cue you people who are doing the same subject next semester in newtown, thou shalt not steal, nor covet! ;) ah well, i have a peek as well at the commentary, got to have a right attitute toward placing the Bible as the main book to start with.
it's with both shocking and sadness to begin with, having read the news of three cn girls beheaded on their ways to a private cn school in the central sulawesi. one doesn't have the rights to take-away another man's life! such is the bitterness of those never experience the gift of forgiveness... God is just!
Read more...Still looking out! – Still mission impossible?
Daniel 4
‘Instant’ Societies
We live in a society that wants things to happen instantly. We don’t have much patience to wait for things. But how long is long enough we ask ourselves in keeping praying for our non-Christian friends that they will come to know God. Most of us are being very impatience, but God is not like that. God was indeed patience toward the stubborn Nebuchadnezzar in winning his heart.
God kept reaching out to Nebuchadnezzar, in fact two to three times. Daniel 2 recorded one occasion. Then in Chapter 3, Nebuchadnezzar once again was given the opportunity to learn of a God who saved His people (i.e. God saved Daniel’s friends who were put in a fiery furnace of fire because they wouldn’t bow down to the golden statue that Nebuchadnezzar built to represent himself). Nebuchadnezzar kept thinking that he wouldn’t give up in keeping God out of his life. But did God give him up, because Nebuchadnezzar was utterly stubborn and slow?
Who is Number 1?
Nebuchadnezzar had lots of reasons to think that he was someone special. He was a great military commander, a great king, a great builder of the hanging garden of the Babylon (one of the Seven Wonders of the World). He was an arrogant king who wasn’t ashamed at all in bragging his contended and prosperous life for his own glory.
Nebuchadnezzar’s Answer – I Am!! (v. 4-30)
Life was going really well with Nebuchadnezzar. God shake him up again, through the same mean, a dream, as was the previous occasion in Chapter 2. The magicians again failed to interpret the dream as it was told (v7). Therefore, Daniel was Nebuchadnezzar last resort. However, Nebuchadnezzar still refused to acknowledge that God was supposed to be his personal God, even though he knew that God was a ‘top’ God. Nebuchadnezzar only acknowledged that God was one of the gods, and Daniel was someone special, but it wasn’t because of God (i.e. in v18, Nebuchadnezzar said, “…but you [Daniel] can, because the spirit of the holy gods is in you”).
Daniel understood that Nebuchadnezzar was still a stubborn un-believer. However, Daniel’s attitude was gentle toward Nebuchadnezzar; he wasn’t being judgmental at Nebuchadnezzar. Daniel offered advices (v27) out of his concern for Nebuchadnezzar’s salvation, instead of preaching him out right that might destroy the relationship (i.e. pointing finger at a sinner who still doesn’t acknowledge they are sinners in a turn-or-burn kind of ‘preaching’!).
There are many things in the Bible that are hard sayings, i.e. sin, judgment, and death. But we need to talk these truths out to others. However, we have to be very careful with the tone of our voice.
God had given Nebuchadnezzar lots of opportunities to learn of Him, but he refused to learn the easy way. Nebuchadnezzar still thought he was No. 1 (i.e. in v30, Nebuchadnezzar said, “Is not this the great Babylon I have built as the royal residence, by my mighty power and for the glory of my majesty?”). How is that for a challenge toward God!
We are sometimes like Nebuchadnezzar, thinking that we are the centre of the universe, and everyone else is there to serve us, even ignoring God in our life! This is sin essentially, thinking that we are No. 1.
God’s Answer – I Am!! (v. 17, 31-37)
This time, God hid hard at Nebuchadnezzar, not for the sake of being harsh in His judgment because of Nebuchadnezzar‘s stubbornness, but because of His love for him. God wanted Nebuchadnezzar to repent. God had indeed been very generous toward Nebuchadnezzar in giving him the warning through the dream, then the interpretation, and twelve months to repent before the dream was fulfilled (v29). But Nebuchadnezzar had wasted all these time, until his royal throne was taken from him that he was driven away from the people and lived with animals (v31).
Mission Accomplished? (v. 1-3, 34-37)
God was teaching Nebuchadnezzar a lesson so that he would acknowledge, honor, and glorify God. After all these years, has the mission accomplished? Where was Nebuchadnezzar at, spiritually?
How do we know that we truly are Christians? Jesus gave us a simple test whether we are the true followers of Him. We are likened to a tree; a good tree will produce good fruit, vice versa that a bad tree will produce bad fruit. Our actions, words, and thoughts will show who the king of our life is, whether Jesus or ourselves. If Jesus is our King, people would expect us to be different from the world. The children of God show the likeness of the father. When we are the new-born Christians, we’re like sprouts, but as we grow in Him, we become trees that produce the good fruit. God is changing us, our characteristics, and even our heart that we would have concerns for others’ salvation as well. We will be compelled by love to make known the truth to others. (See Galatians 5:19-25 for a comparison between the good and bad fruit).
So, had Nebuchadnezzar shown the fruit? Was he a believer at that point? What were the evidences in his life?
· Nebuchadnezzar had come to a right understanding or view of himself that he was nothing before God (v34). God is able to humble those who take pride in himself (v37).
· He had come to a right view of God, that God alone is right and just (v37) and His dominion is an eternal dominion (v34). God does as He pleases and no one can hold back His hand (v35).
· In fact, the greatest evidence would be that Nebuchadnezzar had then acknowledged God as his own personal God (v2).
Like Nebuchadnezzar, we may be in the middle of a painful process as we’re being shaped by God. But God crafts us that we might be like diamonds being crafted by someone who knows what he is doing, so that others may be amazed of the final result and glorify the craftsman.
Nebuchadnezzar had then been a humble person. He was ready to lose face, evidenced by the letter he wrote as an account of his personal witness to all people who are reading (v1) as he acknowledged that he was a sinful stubborn person, a rebel against God, a sinner who didn’t deserve salvation but had then repented. Though humiliating, he was ready to give it all. If we think we can just shake our fist at God, thinking that He doesn’t exist, there will then be a great awakening in our life in the future, but don’t waste that time going through the hard lesson. God is not the God who’s only up there, He has come to us, and there’s only one way, which is through Christ, that we might come to Him.
For us believers, let Him be the King everyday. We are often just one little link of a longer chain that brings others closer to their salvation. Often, we don’t see the big picture, we don’t know how long it takes before Jesus will enter their life, but we have to keep persevering, keep praying, keep trusting God to work through us. Remember that God loves His people more than we do. We must wait for His time, but let’s rejoice when we are in our tough time, because God is also making a diamond of others through us.
Mission impossible, through Jesus, mission accomplished!
people in leadership are not thinking clearly the consequences of their decision making, worse even if it's a factor of feeding the excessive pride, or perhaps the unconscious desire to be approved, let alone talking about incompetency.
ok, this doesn't need to sound as depressing as it is, when i'm only talking about the way things are portrayed in a movie. but how common have situations like these be the normal dose of our 'involuntary submission' toward bad leaderships, feeling hopeless to even to see the best in our leaders as such, let alone the consequences that the decisions cause toward others.
it was an episode of 24! last night's was perhaps one episode which people could easily react with an abnormal surge of tension having seen a person's pride at work at the worst situation ever.
what has crossed my mind ever since? leadership is crucial, it needs wisdom. wisdom comes from God. some have to be leaders, when they are, they need all the supports they could get from people. when you are, don't be a loussy one. when you are not, be willing to pray for the leaders, and corporate. it all sounds rather ideal, but none is possible when we disregard God in our life.
p.s. thank God for a tuesday morning, four days to go, and i'm feeling exhausted already, i shouldn't have written stuffs like this too early in the week. using the internet for the purposes other than works, it's recently been termed 'cyber-bluddging' ;)
i've been encouraged over the past two weekends while spending time with others. i hope the weekends may be regularly spent to catch up with a couple of friends. it's also a good thing to learn to pray together after catching up, and keep on praying for the same things over some time. last saturday was the scones making session. i hope it wasn't only a passing activity, but that people would be aware of the need to keep meeting with one another while sharing their life over the time, be prayerful, and be accountable for another's christian walk.
also, it's such a joy to be studying the Bible together with the girls on saturdays. the study is a straight-forward one, yet we hope to get out of the study learning about God and be changed as a result. this book is titled 'a spirit-filled christian', it's part of a discipleship series bible study. and we're looking into several topics such as, being an obedient christian, God's word in our life, conversing through prayers, fellowship with God's family, and witnessing for others.
it's rather amazing that one of the sharings we had after the bible study brought out one issue that every one is going through the similar situation. having such trust and priviledge to share, it's too good an opportunity to let go by not being open up to one another. after all, we won't be feeling that we're out of place and all alone with the on-goings of our life. it makes me realise that learning to be open is good when the occasion allows. it won't be easy, but it's worthed, that we can encourage one another.
my schedule needs alteration!
last night was the first class again, after a while in exile for skipping a couple, though not in a row, but this time i'm doing it in pennant hills, instead of newtown. the subject is called new testament 2 (the epistles), though i haven't done new testament 1 before :) the class is much smaller, consisting of 13 people, compared to 4 times more than that in newtown. thus, it's heap easier to concentrate for me. it's quite an interesting subject. you try to understand the big pictures in each of the books that made up the epistles (paul's letters and general ones), why they were written, the issues addressed, the structures of writings, connections between the theological and application parts in the letters, etc. also much informed is the contend of the book of acts, which you get to find out regarding paul's missionary journeys along the way as he wrote to the churches. i've got to tell you that i suffer consequently in this area considering my poor ability in reading maps!
have one assignment of short essay to hand in within four weeks. the question is meant to compare and contrast regarding christological hymns in the book of phillipians and collosians.
due to the small size of the class, i can't escape but to take the exam this time, unless i am certain that i won't ever again be taught by the same lecturer, who is rather good at explaining things that quick, but still convey the points clearly.
(canned) tuna..
the other day, i ate some, during the scones making session last saturday, my skin felt itchy when i got home. it even bugged me while i was supposed to be sleeping instead of scratching my legs and hair, gross! should i get my blood tested to find out more what food i'm allergic to? where should i start?
on another note, i now need to pay more attention on my three wisdom teeth. i suppose they need pulled out sooner or later. i can feel a bit unease now when i wide-open my mouth, hurting my jaw joint.
decided to use more of imagestation in the future, much easier to upload bulk photos at once, tho it would mean that i won't play around much with captions anymore. at one point, it's interesting to create a storyline through captions, but on the other hand, it takes my time away, i won't spare. another option is to upload to the ipc site, but this will depend on the photos occasions. it's just that at the moment i haven't got a spare time to try out the suggestions to upload to the site.
oink! am still half awake to realise of the amount of works at workplace that suddenly come my way, talk about busy-ness, just give me a simple life...
off course, the photos are here!
Looking out - mission impossible?
Daniel 2
The best kinds of stories
Daniel was a mission impossible hero for a mission impossible task that God used to reach out to a mission impossible non-Jewish of his day – the king Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon. We may be familiar with this whole situation, we sometimes find that we are the mission impossible ourselves (being unable to change), or perhaps the mission impossible is others whom we’d like to see them change or come to know Christ but hardly.
Looking out (v1-13)
At whom?
God was reaching out to king Nebuchadnezzar, it’s His mission. Since the very beginning, God’s people (starting from Adam until the Israelites) had kept failing to be a blessing for the other nations. Their disobedience was even a mission impossible itself. But God never gave up on them (and us) who kept on failing, therefore His interventions at all times.
Nebuchadnezzar was a mission impossible because:
· He was dead spiritually in his rebellion against God. He didn’t even know the living God.
· Not only that he’s dead, but he believed in many gods. And that these gods communicate to people through dreams, therefore the need for wise men to be mediators between the gods and the people.
· His position as a protected king surrounded by his men.
God wanted to reach out to Nebuchadnezzar because God loved him. King Nebuchadnezzar was a man of great power, and if he would be won, he could influence the whole kingdom.
God grabbed Nebuchadnezzar’s attention by shaking his world through unresolved dream that none of his magicians were able to tell and interpret (v1-3). So disturbed was he in being unable to find out the answer, that he summoned the execution of all of the wise men of the Babylon. God made Nebuchadnezzar insecure through the failure of the wise men in interpreting the dream. Moreover, the insecurity was much more intensified because the failure also means that the gods had failed to communicate with the people. Similar to us, when life is easy and we are happy, we think that we need not God in our life.
The believer whom God uses (v14-30)
Daniel was there as one of the captives when Judah was conquered by the Babylonians. He wasn’t there by his own choice, but God was working to accomplish His mission through him.
Being a wise young man he was, we could actually say that Daniel had reasons to be ambitious in achieving what he was capable of should his nation hadn't been conquered. But he indeed saw his nation fell and his people took captives. In fact, more than that, his name was changed (to mean something that glorifies the gods of the Babylonians instead of his one and only God whom he served); a new language was forced to him, as well as a totally different set of culture. In the midst of all these, Daniel chose not to be bitter toward God. Daniel knew that God was in control and trusted in Him.
There he was about to be executed under the king’s order, but rather in tact and wisely did he handle the situation. Daniel asked for time to the king to interpret the dream (v16). He then got his friends along to pray that God would spare them by being able to know and reveal the dream. Daniel got his priority right in praying and praising God that otherwise would be natural of us to come straight to the king and revealed the whole thing, since Daniel knew from the very beginning that God was the all-knowing God, nothing was hidden to Him. But instead, Daniel asked for time to come to God! He understood that God’s plan for him might be that he’d be slain instead. Daniel knew that God was not controlled by anyone or him. Therefore, he chose to bring the matter to God before acting hastily himself.
As the story unfolded, Daniel faced a spiritual test (V26), and yet again and again as could be found throughout the passage. Will Daniel claim the glory for himself or will he honor God by giving back the glory due Him in being able to answer to the king?
It happened that not only did Daniel tell and interpret the dream; he did speak out the truth about God (v28). Daniel let God use him to reach out to the king while giving the glory back to God! Daniel pointed out that God was the revealer of mysteries and that God was the one in control of the future. There were in fact a couple of times throughout the passage that Daniel put God in the spotlight instead of stealing the glory for himself. Something we could learn when praises come our way, a gospel opportunity indeed!
The dream was told and interpreted. King Nebuchadnezzar had actually been given a chance to learn about Daniel and God. That Daniel was someone who trusted God, full of quiet confidence in God rather than glory in self as would normally a king with a mouthful pride in self. That God is in fact the all-knowing God (not the gods who failed to communicate to the people through dreams), the holder of the future (nothing was outside his control), the only eternal living God whose kingdom is imperishable as established in Christ –v44 (not temporal as in Nebuchadnezzar’s reign, in fact God was the one who set up kingdoms, even Nebuchadnezzar’s kingdom of Babylon (v38), and those to come after him –Persia, Greece, Roman).
We often think that Daniel was an extra-ordinary one through whom God had always worked, and compared with us, we think we are just ordinary people. Daniel was in fact an ordinary man who was faithful in small matters that God kept on using him even in bigger scale ones. Daniel trusted in God and he prayed. We can also learn to trust God in all matters and keep praying. Each of us is a link in a line of chains that God can use to bring others to Him.
Mission accomplished? (v46-49)
Was the mission accomplished this time? Has king Nebuchadnezzar become a believer at this point? Far out, Nebuchadnezzar seemed to be honoring Daniel instead of God (v46). Besides, he still hasn’t acknowledged of the one and only God as compared to referring God being one of the gods instead (v47). Nebuchadnezzar was only under religious conviction but not conversion.
Will God give up on Nebuchadnezzar, the one He loves?
haven't written to deyanira for quite sometime. thought i'd ask her a couple of questions:
the reason i haven't written to her is last time she asked for a picture of me, but i have forgotten to print it out, and it has slipped through my mind ever since.
she's an active kid in sunday school and doing her bit in helping out other kid as well. she enjoys caring for her little brother, and is very close to him akin being his little mom. cute little big sis!
my grocery cost me less than $15 at aldi (a.k.a brandless coles with the same quality nevertheless) for all the goodies that i'm always interested in:
honey, mixed nuts, mixed greens for salad, butter shortbread, mushrooms, and asparagus!
should bring my own recycle-bag next time.
Looking out from your own little world - 2 Corinthians 5:11 - 6:2
Our world is both wonderful and horrible. It's both beautiful yet bad things also happen. What's our own little world like? Are we living in comfort zone, feeling secure being a Cn that we are saved, and progressing in our life being a good husband/wife or whatever it is that we are looking into for life.
Yet, we have no vitality in us if we only take in and never give out. It's not what God intends our life to be. God wants us to be His people who light the world that He may be glorified.
What are our motivations, messages and methods to take His Gospel into the world?
1. Movitations.
Our bible knowledge may be great, and we sometimes see the need of the people surround us of the Gospel, but we are lacking in motivation to share it. We should have reverential fear to our Lord because we'll have to stand before God at the end. The accountability here is not refering to our working to earn the salvation (because it's only by grace through faith in Christ), but rather toward the opportunities/gifts that God has given us to glorify Him. Therefore, it's a non-cringing fear that reveres Him by sharing Him knowing that He's both loving and just.
Put together, love of Christ as we're supposed to respond to His love takes away the legalism in fearing Him because we have to stand before Him. Knowing that Christ died for His people, Paul had a different point of view, a new understanding with regard to Christ and His people, that this becomes a compelling factor in Paul's life that drives him under compulsion in sharing Christ. This is not an ego-centric to have such passion, but rather Christo-centric. Evangelism is not a Cn's hobby, rather it's a rescue operation that concerns a matter of life or death of others.
2. Messages
The fact that Paul talks about reconciliation means there's a need to be reconciled. Everyone has been alienated by sins from God. We live in disobedience, therefore we're enemies of God. Reconcilition is when two estranged people are brought together. The whole world is alienated to God and one another because of our own choice in rejecting God. Yet God made Jesus who had no sins to be sin for us, so that we might become the righteousness of God (v21). Because we've broken the law of God, we have to suffer the consequences of paying for our sins to be alienated and seperated from God. When Christ died on the Cross, the totalilty of the whole said was laid on Him. He was the substitution. The fact that He rose again, shows that God accepted His sacrifice for us.
Since Christ died for our sins, we have forgiveness, a fresh start, and we are new creations. We're being transformed but we are not perfect. We have a new life, a new family in God.
3. Methods
Gently and lovingly through relationship-building, with sensitivity that the whole world needs to hear.
Christ died, that those who live should no longer live for themselves, but for Him who died for them. Because we are new creatures, we have a new way of life. A godly life is important. We have peace in our heart and are contend with God. We all can build relationships that is sacrificially for the good of others.
"I want you to know this.." that there's no other way to God. Imploring to others of the truth.
Therefore, look out from our comfort zone, and experience the joy of being part of god's plan for salvation. And know the depth of the satisfaction that comes from loving and praying for the salvation of others.
r u surviving out there? you were prayed for at pemuda (our ministers did), bible study, personal prayers, n lots and lots of them.. feeling warm n fuzzy?! i mean.. how do things work out for everyone there?
tootles.. (u still owe me a dinner heh.. be back safely :)
once upon a year.. [running defrag for memory storage]
those hugs from: anna-antya-audrey-bobon-ing-ipung-jessy-jule-ling-lyd-mavis-nat-sis.. eh, how many germs already?! losing the counts..
Read more...looking out when things go wrong..
2 Corinthians 1:1-11
Out of sufferings and difficulties can come strenghts and blessings. Paul starts this letter with a praise to God in the midst of all his hardship because God is a God of comforter. Knowing this, we can always turn to God who shows compassions when things surround us fall apart, whether physical challenges, problems in our surroundings, and especially those that come as a result of carrying our cross as Christians (i.e. rejection by others).
There are benefits to sufferings:
Therefore, we shouldn't be discouraged, but keep on praying to God, not just looking into the hardship, but look up to God and let God uses us to emphatise with others in order for His comforts to overflow to others.
Read more...wkc had been enjoyable! it's encouraging to see so many women are willing to spend the weekend being taught by God's word. the teachings are faithful and pratically encouraging at the same time. we went with the other 13 gals from the church, and needless to say, the guys drivers really really like it so much to spend time with the girls ;) that they went to put themselves into the trouble of getting into the wrong house, thus not being able to use the keys, and spent the first night sleeping on the floor at the girls' place (hehe.. dave and ken had actually done a truly wonderful job in sending the girls back and forth!)
i intend to be repetitive here, that so many times through the conventions, i'm overwhelmed by Cns who are faithful in their walks as shown in their life, through the sharing of the speakers or those being interviewed. i believe that they have been touched by God's word that they are so willing and ready to give up their life to embrace the priviledge of being part of God's bigger plan in bringing His word into the world to save or living a life worthy of the gospel however mundane such life can turn into sometime. such is a life worth living, so humble that it produces joys in Him though the walks so many times are full of challenges even to the point of facing discouragements. but yes, one day the hope is going to be realised, an eternity that worths present and on-going difficulties as we keep being faithful in God.
godly life is attractive, sharing Him is even more!
i will try posting more later.
bum bum cak.. we will, we will rock you..
(i'm sorry, the chanting sounds real lame.. what can you expect, a geek doesn't impress..)
it's sis' birthday today! Happy birthday!
leave your messages here if you wish :)
it's amazing (i mean.. what disgrace!) that my brain doesn't let me down in the end :)
i was packing for wkc last night (yes, dude, it's tomorrow), my attitute lately has been that i can't be bothered to bring too many things. it's a joy to pack lightly, and seemed like i've put all the basics i need for the weekend. until later that night, oh, i'm supposed to bring salt, paper, corn flour and tea-towels, fine then. then this morning as i was about to shower, gee, i haven't put the tickets for wkc in my bag (considering everyone's ticket is with me, almost ruining everything!!). later, as i've walked out the door, damn.. the medicines!
P.S. i noticed lately, my blog posts had some mistakes, error-tolerance for a geek, that's the way it's!
roof, not roft! apparently roft is not an english vocab at all, shame it's not.. it sounds like something
esophagus, not throat, otherwise i wouldn't breathe.. gah!
i'm thinking that i might just give up on meats slowly and painlessly. and for the records, i never delight in enjoying beefs since my younger years. i just think that they really smell, and eating them always gives a hard time for my throat to swallow them through. if they are cooked in a way that disguises the smell, i can still stand them, only when they are pretty raw in smell do they pose such a yuck factor for my brain, kinda pukey.. as for chickens, lately i find them boring, simply said i don't enjoy meat as much as i did when i did find them ok. pork is by far the most edible for my stomach, but i guess the consumption will be less than usual in the future, though i don't intend to be a vegetarian at all, i won't give up on seafoods, off course.
Read more...had a lunch plus quick bible study with jesse at the university of sydney yesterday. so, it was my 3rd tour into the uni, felt like i was a uni student again, but if you ask, so far i've never thought of ever going back to uni again. too much study is tiring for the body.
the rest, spent the time working in the library for some maintenance that i had to finish. getting home quite late, waiting for andreas to pick up, so it was the reading business again.
i'm thinking that i'm turning into a geek as some have 'wrongly accused', and i start to give into this crap name labelling scheme :) well, if i'm to write my own autobiography, i've put some thoughts about some catchy one-liners that turn people off from reading it, something like blahblahblah - 'About a Geek', 'A Geek Life', or 'The Geek Documentary'. you people..!
P.S. if you can think of a more catchy one-liner, i'm more than happy to leave the title and the one-liner trademark to whoever it may be ;)
i spotted peter blasina, the channel 7's gadget guru at the greenwood shopping centre in north sydney an early 8 am this morning. he acted as if he is never known by people considering his tv presence sometimes, and i acted as if i never know him at all as a response :) can't stand his hawaian shirt many times, the only same light blue color one, which he wore this morning! ugh..
anyway, i was very early this morning, since andreas was leaving by 7 am, i reached north sydney by 7.20 am, decided to read a book before stepping into the office by 8.30 am for a meeting. i reckon this is one way to get me to read, nice! otherwise, i'll be too tired to read when i'm back, or it's too early to wake in the morning.
this song is a big hits of the 90's. it's no surprising that the lyrics depict so vividly and cry out loudly from the roft top a skeptic's respond to the problem of evil, suffering and faith.
Something to Believe in
Will I see him on the tv
Preachin’ ’bout the promised land
He tells me to believe in jesus
And steals the money from my hand
Some say he was a good man
But lord I think he sinned, yeah
Twenty-two years of mental tears
Cries a suicidal vietnam vet
Who fought a losing war on a foreign shore
To find his country didn’t want him back
Their bullets took his best friend in saigon
Our lawyers took his wife and kids, no regrets
In a time I don’t remember
In a war he can’t forget
He cried forgive me for what I’ve done there
Cause I never meant the things I did
And give me something to believe in
If there’s a lord above
And give me something to believe in
Oh, lord arise
My best friend died a lonely man
In some palm springs hotel room
I got the call last christmas eve
And they told me the news
I tried all night not to break down and cry
As the tears rolled down my face
I felt so cold and empty
Like a lost soul out of place
And the mirror, mirror on the wall
Sees my smile it fades again
Sometimes I wish to God I didn’t know now
The things I didn’t know then
Road you gotta take me home
I drive by the homeless sleeping on a cold dark street
Like bodies in an open grave
Underneath the broken old neon sign
That used to read jesus saves
A mile away live the rich folks
And I see how they’re living it up
While the poor they eat from hand to mouth
The rich is drinkin’ from a golden cup
And it just makes me wonder
Why so many lose, so few win
You take the high road
And I’ll take the low road
Sometimes I wish to God I didn’t know now
The things I didn’t know then
And give me something to believe in
And people leave out from the equation that God is the hurted party, not (only) us. We are suffering the consequences of our rebellion of Him. God is the party whose rights of justice has been wrongly violated. He let the evil to triumph, but in Christ, God, the sovereign one who is in control of even the most wicked evil act of injustice on the Cross, was reconciling the sinners to Him again.
Isaiah 53:3-7
3 He was despised and rejected by men,
a man of sorrows, and familiar with suffering.
Like one from whom men hide their faces
he was despised, and we esteemed him not.
4 Surely he took up our infirmities
and carried our sorrows,
yet we considered him stricken by God,
smitten by him, and afflicted.
5 But he was pierced for our transgressions,
he was crushed for our iniquities;
the punishment that brought us peace was upon him,
and by his wounds we are healed.
6 We all, like sheep, have gone astray,
each of us has turned to his own way;
and the Lord has laid on Him
the iniquity of us all7 He was oppressed and afflicted,
yet he did not open his mouth;
he was led like a lamb to the slaughter,
and as a sheep before her shearers is silent,
so he did not open his mouth.
Read more...The creation waits in eager expectation for the sons of God to be revealed.
20For the creation was subjected to frustration, not by its own choice, but by
the will of the one who subjected it, in hope 21that[i]
the creation itself will be liberated from its bondage to decay and brought into
the glorious freedom of the children of God.22We know that the whole creation has been groaning as in the pains of childbirth right up to the present time. 23Not only so, but we ourselves, who have the firstfruits of the Spirit, groan inwardly as we wait eagerly for our adoption as sons, the redemption of our bodies. 24For in this hope we were saved. But hope that is
seen is no hope at all. Who hopes for what he already has? 25But if we hope for
what we do not yet have, we wait for it patiently.
eh, i laid for 15 mins on the grass during my lunch break. it's such a clear sky and blue one. i walked down the park that overlooks the harbour bridge and opera house. you can imagine that it's posh in a classy nature-style to be able to lay down there and just enjoy the much envied view as such, while letting the sunshine do you a favor to top up the early spring brisk wind. refreshing and stress free.. you need not bothering anymore paying off the mortgage for a water-front property, while you can just let the sky be the roft :)
Read eyes
are heavy..
drug me
and i'll leave
before reality
could i not dream?
promise then
i'll wake and be good
next time
if i sleep, i will again..
mi mobi'le is dead! until i get a new replacement, do contact me via emails or homephone if necessary.
Read dots, below is a quick one:
interestingly enough, this story depicts the very reality of a wretchedness of evil human doings, which nature is unsurprising of the perpetrator himself.
by far, it's more difficult to understand this passage than the previous chapters studies. it lingers my mind and creates a deadlock as a matter of fact having been bombarded by various opinions that others have put forward in interpreting this passage. the biggest obstacle so far is in trying to find out the flow of chp. 6-8 as a whole that would minimise the possibility of paradoxical conclusions.
taken lightly, the message of chp 6 and 8 seems to flow well, but chp 7 seems to propose a differing standing that entangles the unity of the message in chp 6-8. the idea of chp 6 is a clear one that a Cn had been freed from sin through the union with Christ, dead to sin and alive in Christ. no longer is a Cn living under the old way of the written code, rather they are now under grace, living under the control of the Spirit. in chp 8, this new way of live is again and even much more being emphasized by the message here. chp 7 seems to be the thrust, yet a Cn still struggles with sin?
at one point, i suppose that the distinctive conclusions both carry some weights and therefore both are correct as far as the experiences of many Cns. the problem is heighten when i blame sin in my flesh everytime i disobey God. this is rather bleak, isn't the Spirit within me, once converted? how could both definitions be true of a Cn?
i suppose it's even more complex to bring out the idea of interpretations that others have put forward with regard to chp 7:14-25. so, no joy!
last night i watched for a while the ABC tv programme of special report by kerry o'brien. the topic that came out first was the subject around the line of creation vs. evolution, a much debated one. but so far as we know, evolution is a much popular idea that science had been proposing, and to a larger extend, this theory is widely taught in schools to unlock the mystery of life, formed as a result of natural selections, but never created.
however, the complexity of life rules out this theory of evolution, as some have come to term with and mostly excluding those from the background of science, simply because there is never an explanation in how precisely designed for their right purposes things are, taking as an example the mechanism of human's eye-balls whose functions are copied by the design of a camera.
so now, the 'trend' that has taken place in america, and even endorsed by their president (and i have no idea how much territory a religion has been invaded by the political 'comrades', but it's sure to play an important distinction there whether someone is a religious right or liberal left :), is that creation is now taught alongside evolution in schools to fill in the gap that science can't never explain regarding the complexity of things/life. yet still there may be more scientists who'd disagree to this approach because effectively it undermines science capacity to advance, simply put, science and supernatural power don't mix. precisely the case, those who disagree are reluctant in identifying the 'force' or 'subject' behind the supernatural.
in australia, this issue was given a conditional "yes" by the federal (or ? state) minister of education, brendan nelson, giving the permission that if parents allow, creation will be taught alongside evolution, but never will it be a case that science will be over-shadowed or put obsolete by the so-called supernatural point of view by any means.
you will find this a popular search from the christianity point of view on this subject: Unlocking the Mystery of Life: The Case for Intelligent Design
what i saw this morning was rather unpleasant. a couple was in front of me walking, both of same sexes, holding each other closely, and about to kiss goodbye as i walked pass them, far from what normal friends would behave like, euys..
Read more...i went to SNAP exhibition on sunday, the award-winning photographs from the sport photo-journalists, sponsored by smh, sun-herald and the age. it wasn't a range of too many photographes on exihibition, but there's an extensive collection published as a magazine. in the opening message, it's noted that the photographers aren't just skilled technically, but too many times they have to wait for hours for the right moment to emerge for the best outcome.
apart from SNAP, i also came to term that it's a rather ideal place to spend a couple hours of my sunday in the sydney city library that makes parts of the customs house. i enjoy the quietness there where people are far from being idle, there's a 'sacred' activity that shapes many minds and the place is far from boring, indeed, it makes me want to invest more of my time there in the future. i am thinking to apply for a membership. i like the idea of borrowing, especially when you're talking about the massive resources offered by the media. it's the environmentally-friendly concept that's being put in place here. and from the entertainment point of view, you get the variety, from magazines to dvd to comics, it's a win-win, don't let the alzheimer choked your mind, so read and have fun!
but the reward is more than the cost.
The Cost of Being a Disciple
25Large crowds were traveling with Jesus, and turning to them he said: 26"If anyone comes to me and does not hate his father and mother, his wife and children, his brothers and sisters—yes, even his own life—he cannot be my disciple. 27And anyone who does not carry his cross and follow me cannot be my disciple.
28"Suppose one of you wants to build a tower. Will he not first sit down and estimate the cost to see if he has enough money to complete it? 29For if he lays the foundation and is not able to finish it, everyone who sees it will ridicule him, 30saying, 'This fellow began to build and was not able to finish.'
31"Or suppose a king is about to go to war against another king. Will he not first sit down and consider whether he is able with ten thousand men to oppose the one coming against him with twenty thousand? 32If he is not able, he will send a delegation while the other is still a long way off and will ask for terms of peace. 33In the same way, any of you who does not give up everything he has cannot be my disciple.
34"Salt is good, but if it loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? 35It is fit neither for the soil nor for the manure pile; it is thrown out.
"He who has ears to hear, let him hear."
The Parables of the Hidden Treasure and the Pearl
44"The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field. When a man found it, he hid it again, and then in his joy went and sold all he had and bought that field.
45"Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant looking for fine pearls. 46When he found one of great value, he went away and sold everything he had and bought it.
the good thing about not having to be in the office strictly the normal office hours is that in the morning, i don't have to rush badly. but yes, the good thing is that i have a little time to kill by doing anything, something small before heading to the office.
so this morning, i was just browsing through the weekends australians for their travel section that happened to capture my quick attention. some would probably know that one of my favourite countries is canada, purely for the reason of its picturesque landscape, wildly spacious region that you could hardly breathe of the potential natural resources lying down there, while also a clean and orderly one.
this time, the richest of its nature once again open my eyes of a never boring God with a truely high intelligence in creativity manifested itself in the created beings, the wild-life animals there! how about badgers, bears, beavers, belucas, bobcats, buffalo, cougar, coyotes, gopher, humpbacks, lemmings, lynx, moose, porcupine, seals, whales, wolverines, wolves. i was fascinated that i tried to remember these names, not even knowing that most of them exist at the first place!
the SNAP exhibition is at Customs House, Circular Quay.
i'm visiting this sunday! join me if anyone is interested, after 12.30 pm.
and for next sunday, the kutlung ataman's at the mca.
the company conference was good, spent two nights (21-23 aug) at the cypress lakes resorts in hunter valley, also the 200 ppl scored themselves lots of freebies ranging from a travel bag, vest, a bottle of wine, miniature replica of a drum played during the opening session, water bottle, pen, box of snack, most of them PA branded :) got my 1 min brush with fame (a photograph was taken) for the lucky seat that won me a #1 national best seller, the kokoda track, signed by the author, a narrative wrote by peter fitzsimmons, who's also a journalist with smh alongside the author of some 15 books. he was the keynote speaker on the sunday dinner, telling all those jokes that i can't truly enjoy for my lack of rugby knowledge.
i enjoyed the drum during the opening session brought by the drum cafe. it accompanied for almost an hour and a half making loud music together. monday was a whole day session for sql server 2005, a bit crammed with information. then, there was PA idol with prizes on monday dinner where 10 competitors sang kareoke, some very bad for the ears, but the whole talent show was truly entertaining. on tuesday, joined the retail therapy leisure activities, a short tour visiting a glass craft centre, but no demonstration, then also to some antique shops, finishing in the small retails goodies at the forefront of the hunter valley's garden.
chipped in all these, as part of the coorporate address to the employees, obviously there was company's target briefings and overviews.
so wkc is off on its way another month of count down. finally the girls are set, final figures confirmed, not a big drama after all. 3 cancelled, 3 more interested to replace. 1 property unsettled, no cancellation fees has been charged by the agent! i hope this is the case for the final payment later on. so far, a receipt has been sent to indicate the transfer of a cancelled booking payment to another property. problems come and problems solved, happy as larry, and i'm thankful things turn the way they are, and that's because God's helping me to be patient!
i've told you, He's never short of flurrpy to quench..!
the nitty gritty stuffs are growing like crazy at the moment, the compounding effect is killing me. i mean, this morning i quickly create a run through of to-do list on the post-it note, with lots of squiggle hardly readable. and oh, it adds another one constantly, trying to figure out what had been written by then i have a look at it once again (because that's what it's useful for, somebody buy me a pda for my birthday present!), and what the keywords mean, d'oh!
work stuffs (geek up)
buying hair gel (hold up, my fringe!! yet another hair cut)
washing shirts, shoes (tidy up)
budgeting expenses (what's up? i hardly track down my spending, i guess i need to learn doing so by now)
60% are emailing stuffs and filling forms (catch up, follow up, hands up, i surrender, Lord..)
a note on the emailing stuffs, lately, i've been in contacts with some old friends, which i kinda enjoy, but i reckon i should try contacting them in batches, instead of the more the merrier, i'm screwed, i have always known that i'm not good at catching up with friends distance away, at one point, i would email them regularly, then, the drought cycle would make them wonder whether i'm still alive or not. this time? too many to reply. how i wish that it will be easier to just have the joy of planning to meet them once in a year, something like reunions, but that will cost me a fortune!
a slight intermezzo for me in the midst of all these, i enjoy recalling my old definition of life.
life is.. "full of fresh fun freaky itsy bitsy teeny weeny (da) pooh n pee (pin) kfc hot and spicy, yet God is never short of flurrpy to quench.."
seem like too much poo n pee in the mean time!
if you r interested in travelling for four days from 24th to 28th dec, feel free to let me know of your interests. it's just my personal little plan, nothing too grandeur. i suppose i should be a bit clearer here, i am not intending to go with a guy only, a mix group will do, all girls are jewel. don't ask any questions here, just come to me, it's easier to talk than discuss it here.
Read more...the combination of musical comedy and romance all in one is perky and highly entertaining in this movie. the colors are vibrant, somewhat surprising for my bland taste but the whole setting is uplifting. i love it.
the scene that i like most is while the sisters were teasing lalitha, set in pyjamas, the choreograph and soundtrack is amusing. here's the lyrics below ;)
No Life Without Wife
Lonely Mr. Kholi from Las Angeles
Came to Punjab on one bent knee
He had a green card, new house, big cash
So made a wish with every fallen lash
For you to do the journey with him
To smile when he got home ask how his day had been
He wants you by his side in joy and strife
Poor Mr. Kholi he has no life without wife.
No life Without Wife
Oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah
No life Without Wife
Oh yeah yeah yeah
Oh yeah yeah yeah
I don’t want a man who ties me down
Does what he wants while I hang around
I don’t want a man who’s crude and loud
Wants a pretty wife to make him proud
I don’t wanna man who can’t be funny
Who tells tall tales about making money
Oh Yeah…
I don’t want a man who’ll grab the best seat
Can’t close his mouth when he starts to eat
I don’t want a man who likes to drink
Or leaves his dirty dishes in the sink
I don’t want a man who wants his mummy
A balding pest with too much dummy
I don’t want a man who’s dead in the head
Poor Mr. Kholi
Aye Mr. Kholi
Maybe he’s good in bed….
No life Without Wife
Oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah
No life Without Wife
Oh yeah yeah yeah
Oh yeah yeah yeah
What you don’t want do matter no more
Soon you’ll be married and ready to go
A match made in heaven just like milk and honey
You make all the Gobi he’ll make the money
Everyday will be the same according to his plans
Forget what you want Mr. Kholi’s now your man
No life Without Wife
Oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah
I just want a man with a real soul
Who wants equality and not control
I just want a man good and smart
A really sharp mind and a very big heart
I just want a man not scared to weep
To hold me close when we’re asleep
Ohhh yeah….
I just want a man who loves romance
Who’ll clear the floor and ask me to dance
I just want a man who gives some back
Who talks to me and not my rack
I just want man whose spirit is free
To hold my hand, walk the world with me
No life Without Wife
Oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah
No life Without Wife
Oh yeah yeah yeah
Oh yeah yeah yeah
Sorry Mr. Kholi
It is not to be
My heart is set on another you see
The wandering soul I was meant to meet
Has finally come and swept me off my feet
Now I dream of what it would be like
To be an overseas bride dressed in white
To have a little home in the country
And live in the land of her majesty
morning routine goes like this, woke up, shower, drying hair, no time for breakfast (got a bus to catch), so pack myself a decent two loaves of bread, margarine spread over a piece, sugar in the middle, and there goes my morning support, margarine case to sink and knife (for spreading margarine) almost into fridge, haHAHA, poor little brain.. i was in a little hurry!
Read's been two months almost. viona got her hair cut short. her mom told, that morning she let her wash her own hair, and she used the whole bottle of the shampoo. "but i let her, that's ok.. as a first time. she needs to learn, what if i die and no one is looking after her.."
human being is bound to make mistakes, whether s/he is sane, half-sane, or insane. time will teach, but so stubborn are those sane who deliberately won't pick up any lessons, time is running out. give me time, i need it.
a disciple is willing to learn and be taught. undiscipled discipleship is two-fold, those aren't disciples can't disciple others, and those who don't disciple aren't disciples. a disciple then is a disciple himself and is discipling others (both could be simultaneous, but being a disciple at the first place must involve learning and being taught). a disciple of Christ therefore learns from Christ Himself (whether directly or indirectly). discipleship then is a direct teacher-disciples relationship, as with the case of Jesus with His 12 disciples. discipleship now is taking the learning form of Christ's teachings preserved in God's word. along the learning curve, every disciple would reflect the mind of the ultimate one being imitated. as a result, a disciple also learns from another disciple. in the real context, this is mentoring, a Cn mentoring others younger in faith.
Read more...what does it mean to live under grace, but not law? romans 6:14
from the reading of chapter 6-7, paul repeatedly emphasizing on the truth that a Cn can't live in sin anymore (having been justified by grace through the redemption that came through Christ), using (parallel examples as) reasons: union with christ, slave/master relationship, and marriages.
once we were living under law, but no longer so after Christ fulfilled the requirements of the law. by grace through faith in Christ, we've been set free from sin (through law, we become aware of sin). instead of bearing the deeds of wickedness when sin is our master, our life should then bear the fruits of righteousness now that we are under grace, being a slave to God.
4So, my brothers, you also died to the law through the body of Christ, that you might belong to another, to him who was raised from the dead, in order that we might bear fruit to God. 5For when we were controlled by the sinful nature,[c] the sinful passions aroused by the law were at work in our bodies, so that we bore fruit for death. 6But now, by dying to what once bound us, we have been released from the law so that we serve in the new way of the Spirit, and not in the old way of the written code. (Romans 7:4-6)
(from retreat plus personal reflections)
i'd always like to think of discipleship as a timeless theme, and because of that the discovery part is almost un-ending. i'd have been a Cn for sometime, and yet there'll never be a point where the necessity for learning and be taught by God's word (and others) is going to due anytime soon, and the -ship in discipleship said it all, it's a (confirmed) state in being, all the more important since it's Christ's blood that has first washed clean a sinful person like me and onwards the imitating part has to follow as a natural course. therefore the reason for discipleship, christ-likeness..
(and mind you, i have to prepare for tomorrow's battle and was rebuked by God's word through the sermon during pemuda on the importance of meditating on God's word daily.., not just reading it.., still a hard necessity that hits hard my lame brain power! desire is the keyword obviously, not the l.a.m.e b.r.a.i.n po..we.r though, do pray for me..)
i kinda suffer from incompetence posting syndrome due to my lame brain power. i'd easily remember nitty-gritty stuffs (and keep catching up the phase as they come along), and by the end of the day i'd fail to post things that i'd really really like to sit down and write about.
Read more...there are 11 types of people who understand binary, one who does and the other who doesn't.
Read more...I found this piece from a book that i'm reading recently, a simple one, yet a firm expression of the author's contentment in God, a discipline that exhibits itself in constant and continual amazement of an all powerful God. Thus, it matters not that one should own too less or much by human standards (she happened to be a poor lady), he is to be utterly contend with the fact that God created him to enjoy all His goodness in creations.
[Anonymous] - A Poor Methodist Woman
I do not know
when I have had happier times
in my soul
than when I have been sitting at work,
with nothing and a white cloth,
and hearing no sound
but that of my own breath;
with God in my soul
and heaven in my eye.
I rejoice in being exactly what I am
-a creature capable of loving God,
and who, as long as God lives,
must be happy.
I get up
and look a while out the window.
I gaze at the moon and stars,
the work of an Almighty Hand.
I think of the grandeur of the universe
and then sit down
and think myself
one of the happiest
beings in it
don't think i'm doing alright at work today, can't really concentrate, feeling sick sitting in front of the computer. i might work from home tomorrow. it's a combination of pains around head, neck, and chest, eyes are heavy as well.. appearance wise, i don't look very sick, only tired.. feeling very lazy.. i'd better leave..
Read more...did i say that i was about to be sick? i guess i need to take a short leave, after a while of working, i need to recharge. and so, when i found out the park yesterday, i was excited, being able to listen to children's screaming toward the games that they play, birds' chirping, breathing the fresh air, looking as far the beautiful scenery ahead, and just walk till i drop! all these are simply blissful, having to compare with 9to5 office hours. once in a while, am wondering that i still hang on to all those craps that life has to offer (i mean, sometime i still see a glass half-empty, only when the wrong button is pushed, forgive about the pessimism!).
i'm taking a day off today, doing some things that i consider therapeutic, so i could once again and always, see a glass as half-full ;)
i'm feeling sick, wondering whether should go to work trow. have less than urgent stuffs to get done for the week, apart from self-learning lately. found a park today, in the middle of north sydney area, not far from office, should walk there more in the future.
Read more...i was slow (and insensitive apparently).
so the big boss came across the kitchen around lunch time to get his few-who-knows-how-many-already-th cup of coffee, and i was about to heat my lunch in microwave. being the open-minded, approachable gentleman he is, so he asked "so, what do you have for the weekends, hanvy?" i'm not really planning anything particular for the weekends, and being the unspontaneous person i'm who are slow to create much needed quick answers in my mind most of the time (a.k.a think-talk-think type rather than talk-think-talk), i gave a simply simplistic reply, which doesn't help much, "not much, i guess".
for five seconds, i was thinking that i'd say, "oh, i have bible study on saturday followed by youths.", but i didn't, thus the (too) simplistic reply! i threw the question back, wondering if he had any plans already, and knew that it's going to be his son birthday party on sunday.
need more God-talks! who knows where they lead..
the first thing i checked in smh this morning is the picture gallery section that depicts the london's blast, not the news themselves. people are hurted, and faces don't tell a lie in situation like this, the feeling of shocked, terrified, bewildered, perhaps anger, seem to be valid responses toward what's happened. and as i moved on to have a peek at the video footages, i had expected the same tensions that people have suffered from. the spiritual forces of evil is a constant battle that would draw some closer and others further away toward an acknowledgement of the existence of God.
Read more...yesterday, it took me more than two hours to reach home since there was a truck for landcove tunnel project sled down the road toward a much lower end, not sure what really happened then. lucky for me bringing a book to get myself occupied, but it was dead boring sitting inside a creeping bus with a whole load of commuters stuck in the traffic jam. what a journey!
Read a term recently considered as the new generation of radio where you can easily tune-in the growing sources of audio just like listening to the radio from your desktop (and if you are priviledge enough to own an iPod, then you can sync it and voila it becomes commutable). the other side of the coin is that you are not only able to listen, you can even make your own radio station. all that's needed is the software from Apple, the iTunes (freely downloadable here) to help you easily manage the podcasts (and sync-in with iPod later on). if you are familiar with audio-blogging, i'd reckon they are pretty much the same thing, but perhaps the audio-streaming in audio-blogging (never try that though) could be sluggish where you have to wait for the stream-files to be downloaded by pieces.
many have started taking advantages of podcasting (the laws to regulate the copyrights issue of podcasting materials is yet on the way, so be careful there may be nasty sources that are illegal as well). one example is some churches are starting to post their sermons in the mp3 files format by way of podcasting.
once you started to build your own libraries, you can rss-fed the audio topics to your desktop, exactly the text style rss-fed. just by googling, you would get many podcasting sites to suit your interests (or choosing your favourite stations).
moreover, you can ramble to your liking (and bored people out of their couch).
If you happened to know Black Eyed Peas, here is one piece of their songs. The lyrics are meaningful, far from superficiality. I have regards for those who know just how to create beautiful lines like below.
What's wrong with the world mama?
People living like aint got no mamas
I think the whole worlds addicted to the drama
Only attracted to the things that bring you trauma
Overseas yeah we tryin to stop terrorism
But we still got terrorists here livin
In the USA the big CIA the Bloodz and the Crips and the KKK
But if you only have love for your own race
Then you only leave space to discriminate
And to discriminate only generates hate
And if you hatin you're bound to get irate
Yeah madness is what you demonstrate
And that's exactly how anger works and operates
You gotta have love just to set it straight
Take control of your mind and meditate
Let your soul gravitate to the love y'all
People killing people dying
Children hurtin you hear them crying
Can you practice what you preach
Would you turn the other cheek?
Father Father Father help us
Send some guidance from above
Cause people got me got me questioning
Where is the love?(where is the lovex3)(the love2x)
It just ain't the same all ways have changed
New days are strange is the world the insane?
If love and peace so strong
Why are there pieces of love that don't belong
Nations dropping bombs
Chemical gases filling lungs of little ones
With ongoing suffering
As the youth die young
So ask yourself is the loving really strong?
So I can ask myself really what is going wrong
With this world that we living in
People keep on giving in
Makin wrong decisions
Only visions of them livin and
Not respecting each other
Deny thy brother
The wars' going on but the reasons' undercover
The truth is kept secret
Swept under the rug
If you never know truth
Then you never know love
Where's the love y'all? (I don't know)
Where's the truth y'all? (I don't know)
Where's the love y'all?
People killing people dying
Children hurtin you hear them crying
Can practice what you preach
Would you turn the other cheek?
Father father father help us
Send some guidance from above
Cause people got me got me questioning
Where is the love?(where is the lovex3)(the lovex2)
I feel the weight of the world on my shoulder
As I'm getting older y'all people get colder
Most of us only care about money makin
Selfishness got us followin the wrong direction
Wrong information always shown by the media
Negative images is the main criteria
Infecting their young minds faster than bacteria
Kids wanna act like what the see in the cinema
Whatever happened to the values of humanity
Whatever happened to the fairness and equality
Instead of spreading love, we're spreading anomosity
Lack of understanding, leading us away from unity
That's the reason why sometimes I'm feeling under
That's the reason why sometimes I'm feeling down
It's no wonder why sometimes I'm feeling under
I gotta keep my faith alive, until love is found
People killing people dying
Children hurtin you hear them crying
Can you practice what you preach
Would you turn the other cheek?
Father Father Father help us
i was a bit bored and decided to try the quiz below from rose's to try whether anything interesting would come out. found out that it wasn't such a big fat cover-up after all, until i got it to this part "You like to flirt and behave seductively." me?!? a playfully, superficially flirt with danger of a kind? or perhaps the lightly casually flippantly type of flirty that never even been realised before?
me, a flirt! breakthrough#2.. (that doesn't even make sense to pair up with breakthrough#1..straighforward).
so, if anyone should have the slightest idea of how realiable this quiz is, this is a desperate plea for someone to let me know whether i truly am.
i mean, if it is, this should FREAK me out, YOU KNOW??
(and i dare promise you that i won't risk it all with that kind of attitude that yells out to 'Beat Joe-not-so-average! Destroy him! Conquer him with your sneaky manipulative charms and your spike-heeled boots and your 6-inch-thick whip! MAKE HIM BOW TO YOU AND BEG FOR MORE!!!' if it is..afterall ;)
Your view on yourself:
You are down-to-earth and people like you because you are so straightforward. You are an efficient problem solver because you will listen to both sides of an argument before making a decision that usually appeals to both parties.
The type of girlfriend/boyfriend you are looking for:
You like serious, smart and determined people. You don't judge a book by its cover, so good-looking people aren't necessarily your style. This makes you an attractive person in many people's eyes.
Your readiness to commit to a relationship:
You prefer to get to know a person very well before deciding whether you will commit to the relationship.
The seriousness of your love:
You like to flirt and behave seductively. The opposite sex finds this very attractive, and that's why you'll always have admirers hanging off your arms. But how serious are you about choosing someone to be in a relationship with?
Your views on education:
Education is very important in life. You want to study hard and learn as much as you can.
The right job for you:You have plenty of dream jobs but have little chance of doing any of them if you don't focus on something in particular. You need to choose something and go for it to be happy and achieve success.
How do you view success:
You are afraid of failure and scared to have a go at the career you would like to have in case you don't succeed. Don't give up when you haven't yet even started! Be courageous.
What are you most afraid of:You are afraid of things that you cannot control. Sometimes you show your anger to cover up how you feel.
Who is your true self:
You are mature, reasonable, honest and give good advice. People ask for your comments on all sorts of different issues. Sometimes you might find yourself in a dilemma when trapped with a problem, which your heart rather than your head needs to solve.
The Gospel is attractive indeed, and sometimes i forget how attractive it is...
Jesus Washes His Disciples' Feet
1It was just before the Passover Feast. Jesus knew that the time had come for him to leave this world and go to the Father. Having loved his own who were in the world, he now showed them the full extent of his love.[a]
2The evening meal was being served, and the devil had already prompted Judas Iscariot, son of Simon, to betray Jesus. 3Jesus knew that the Father had put all things under his power, and that he had come from God and was returning to God; 4so he got up from the meal, took off his outer clothing, and wrapped a towel around his waist. 5After that, he poured water into a basin and began to wash his disciples' feet, drying them with the towel that was wrapped around him.
6He came to Simon Peter, who said to him, "Lord, are you going to wash my feet?"
7Jesus replied, "You do not realize now what I am doing, but later you will understand."
8"No," said Peter, "you shall never wash my feet."
Jesus answered, "Unless I wash you, you have no part with me."
9"Then, Lord," Simon Peter replied, "not just my feet but my hands and my head as well!"
10Jesus answered, "A person who has had a bath needs only to wash his feet; his whole body is clean. And you are clean, though not every one of you." 11For he knew who was going to betray him, and that was why he said not every one was clean.
12When he had finished washing their feet, he put on his clothes and returned to his place. "Do you understand what I have done for you?" he asked them. 13"You call me 'Teacher' and 'Lord,' and rightly so, for that is what I am. 14Now that I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also should wash one another's feet. 15I have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you. 16I tell you the truth, no servant is greater than his master, nor is a messenger greater than the one who sent him. 17Now that you know these things, you will be blessed if you do them.
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