rant #020205
half sleep, half awake, today, doughnat.. (read: sleeepzz..sleeepzz..) why have you forsaken me.. boy, forgive abt the pessimism, can't contained, had to get home by 10 pm last nite and only got to sleep a lil later than 11 pm (first evening-course class for the semester) then had to reach office by 8.30 am this morning for the fortnightly meeting, effectively that would mean getting up at 6.30 am (need an hour to get ready, for a chick like me, it's rather normal, guess =) so, for tonite, i have to hereby declare that sleeping is my 'intangible' object of affection.. hAhA, but can multitask along listening to the CDs of 2004 EQUIP WOMAN Conference, previously had finished listening to one CD, err only =) interestingly, for the 'Making Most of the Opportunity', an elective talk by Wendy Potts, the big picture all fall in line with the ideas of building relationships with those surround us in the context of sharing our faith and life with them, how many times have this been re-emphasized, personally, have heard of the same message again and again all in the very recent occasions of master class, kyc, 2WaysToLive Bible study, the CD!
been enjoying the chats with louise for a couple of nights already since she (and husband) have been staying temporarily at my place for a 10-days holiday in syd. they r a couples from melb, humble couples as i can tell, and nice to talk with. guess all this is all part of God's providence.
a bit sad that couldn't manage to contact some uni friends, since lost their contact details last time in my mobile sim card memory. it's such an imbalance if have to compare between the numbers of Cn to non-Cn friends, which i have rarely kept in touch with once uni was over, the more toward high school friends, my last two years of high school was spent shortly in a school other than my junior high years, only manage to track down thru the class website that hadn't been updated since the year 2000 (and my name is not even in the list since i didn't finish my high school last time, but doh! why do they have to put the core personal details in the web, stupidos, lucky for me am not in the list =) i guess, many of them are over-achievers nowadays, can still well remember how competitive they were during high school (a.k.a kia-su =)
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