Tuesday, January 11, 2005

Amateur Poem # 110105

way too vast..

underneath the heart of an unsearchable soul,
the echoes of self-awareness unfold
forfeiting a gentle and quiet soul,
only christ-awareness'd unfold

false humility that invests in self-glory
pride that manifests in self-righteous
self-reliant that promotes individuality
self-despair that's beyond cure

impatience that misses the whole point
hold-backs that never reach the point
business that wants to look important
ignorance that wants to enjoy at no cost

selfishness that realises in choices
longings that take to actions
complacency that's foreign of welcoming
insecurity that's foreign of reaching out

negative assumptions that box people in
critical spirit that let others down
hasty words that speak too much
cold silence that ignore too much

confidence that never trust
lack of faith that never try
judgement that compares
ambition that rules

"hey, what's in there for ME?"
"hey, what's wrong with YOU?"
"no, I deserve MORE"
"yes, you worth much MORE"

"whatever is true, whatever is noble,
whatever is right, whatever is pure,
whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable–
if anything is excellent or praiseworthy–think about such things."

vyie @ Jan 05


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