akHH, wierd dream
ok, here it goes:
rarely have dreams, but last nite's was a wierd one suddenly (perhaps should check local newspaper for an enquiry toward a clairvoyant, smell like sensitive new-age guy's stuff).
was having fun with family (oh yea, only seconds glimpse before the horrific turning point). we're just finished off visiting let's say an equal of movie world in sunshine state (apart from no idea where tis was happening exactly, somewhere in a far-far-away land out tis planet earth). on the way back, met our ex-housemaid, who got sacked by mom (no idea where tis notion came from as well, bec mom didn't like her, remember tis is only a dream). and so, pay back time for her! long hair with thick 5 cms long straight beard centralised under her chin made her the more gremlin look than she was previously while still working for us. the chase begun, n everyone's running to their best personal records, apart from me who was the only one left behind (why me!), made me a soft target toward the ugly monster. and alas, realized that was actually running along a different set of sibling (n who r they anyway!! give me back my family!). after a while, i changed direction instead of running forward, but disaster, reached a near end! and she (huAA) GRAB MEE.. NOOooo.. W.A.K.E. M.E. U.P.!!! (can imagine her face-from-hell look still). in a matter of seconds, was awaken from my unconscious state, and my body starting from the lower abs till the end of my toes shivered!
wierd.. can only felt asleep again an hour later!
n yuks, it brought back a memory of real life experience, skip, skip, not for public enjoyment!
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