Tuesday, September 21, 2004


it has been a refreshing weekend together with some girls who attended the WKC 2004. as a package, the talks, prayers, songs, interviews, fellowships, bookshop, have all served well their purposes. great reminders as well as "being struck anew by the incredible privilege of knowing the Lord" (as the chairperson put it as the welcome note in the booklet), here are some points that i am challenged by and pray that "i may walk with God, than God walks with me":

- "to let God be God" (to trust and obey), "to learn walking as humble christian" (to serve Him).
- "God is a holy God, He demands his people to live a holy life".
- "trust and obey", not only to get blessings, for that's God's requirements of us. He do bless and give grace to His people.
- "live a more purposeful, productive, uncomplaining life, and be a happy gossiper of the Gospel".
- "truth and love are a package, learn to walk both in truth and in love".

knowing that these points obviously sound more abstract than the reality that may be presented in my daily life, keep in mind that i'm a working progress in God's hands. pray always that Christ is the model for us. an going-on reflection as i look forward to, may God's Word keep on challenging you as well.

some photos that i took during WKC 2004 are divided into 3 parts:
- a 'prelude' wrap in Matthew 6:28b-34, the passage is included (very below)
- the convention itself (only below)
- the visit to Leura's candy shop on the way home (above)
in order to be more enjoyable to view them, always start from the very below, for the sake of the flow.

tks to the guys (andreas, darwin, david, rav) who drove us! enjoying your servanthood service, hmn..?? to rose and lyd who have arranged for registration, accommodation, consumption. what a package, appreciate it! to aunt mavais, rose, sis for the ready-to-be-served warm foods! (you gals are such moms, always!) to my photos-objects, singing partners, real persons for chit-chat and company (basicly everyone who came along!). love you all.. wake up, vyie! the days are over, but the joy remains..


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