tip of an iceberg
this is a past-due post. had the exam for church history 1 subject three weeks ago.
thought i skipped quite a chunk of history for my inability to digest what's on the plate. on the exam date, the first 20 seconds, i couldn't stop laughing intensely inside as soon as the exam paper was revealed. i have yet to find an explanation for this.
there were three to attempt out of twelve questions, quite generous, otherwise have no idea how to pass this subject. still forgetting bits and pieces and thinking about the coherency when trying to answer, exactly what i meant by temporal disorientation, yet to grasp of the big picture, before an attempt into the details.
chose these three:
1. what's scholasticm? comment on the implications of the teaching toward the way salvation is understood during the medieval period.
2. explain the significance of Justification by Faith OR Scripture Alone according to the Reformed theology.
3. describe the challenges posed by the Enlightment and Romanticism era, and the usual responses from people as a result of those views.
by all means, i was avoiding the chronological or major events type of questions, yes, you are very right indeed!
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