Thursday, April 27, 2006

a trespass

i was waiting for a bus the other day. it was anzac day. i finished having lunch with a friend. so, i planned to go home straight.

a couple of elderly men were just arriving, plus two adults, in uniforms. one was rather drunk, not too bad, but enough to know that he just engaged with alcohol through his breath. he needed a seat, so i moved a bit, and there he sat beside me. he saw me with a book, lightly appeared to be interested (or just being nosy due to the effect of alcohol) with what i was reading, he asked, "what is that book you're reading?"

a bit hesitant, knowing he might be a bit drunk, i answered, "know and tell the gospel.. (by john chapman)", while showing the cover of the book toward his direction.

"oh, sorry, i'm not interested with that", and carried on, "yeah, i'm not."

"i enjoy today so much, so do you enjoy today?", he carried on.

"yeah, i do."

"what did you do?", he kept asking.

"i just had lunch with a friend."

"so, where do you come from?", he continued.

"... indonesia." [a rather long response, started to feel a bit annoyed..]

"yeah? i was actually in indonesia in 1947, obviously you weren't born yet.. yeah, surabaya.."

"oh, for how long?", i asked.

"hmn, two months..", he said. (my guessing was that he meant to feel a bit proud of his service, not that there's anything wrong with that :)


[then he continued chatting with his buddies..]

poor old man, i suppose he never realised of the trespass he committed toward the God of the universe, who created everything, and still sustains it.

and i suppose the lesson for me is that i needn't feeling so hopeless of the whole situation, realising that i wasn't any better than the elderly, and that God's grace should teach me to be prayful and rely on Him at all time, especially when people harden their hearts.


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