Wednesday, November 23, 2005
lighting-bolt-and-thunder phobia
it was rather surprising stormy rain late last night. the electricity went black-out. not much could be done, apart from covering my whole body inside the quilt and tried to be calm and sleep early, such a rare exercise. i'm never prepare for bad weather like late last night. and for the record, this kind of situation is my childhood phobia (or paranoia?!).
it didn't take annoying siblings to make me cry (oh btw, we didn't quite practise much of sibling rivalry way back that time :) all over again everytime i saw lighting bolts followed by deafening thunder during my primary years. my heart was weak. can't imagine how distracted every body's heart could be when they heard me crying, i suppose. coming down the list, the fireworks would occasionally scared me during the pre-new year celebrations (and those teenagers who had to wake early to prepare themselves during the ramadhan month, they made such a noise by lighting bangs 'petasan' everyday!)
i still freezed last night. but it's comforting to just pray to God for a calm heart. it works!
Sunday, November 20, 2005
also visited slightly before the dinner was the japanese bookshop at best, just across the king street wharf. now let me say this to you, never ever be conned by glamorous advertisings for something new that'd rip your pockets, if you can be satisfied with second-hands, or just by borrowing them. they all look like new, perhaps i don't do my homework in term of shopping matters, but i've never come across a bookshop like this, the collection is pretty massive (well, for the wrong genre anyways, though many are well worth browsing at) with very decent pricing. i won't return though.
i had a chance on that day before the dinner, to wander off the harbour for an hour. the weather was wierdest, windy, rather stormy, but the sun did make its public appearance for seconds before the giant cloulds put it into 'sleep'. there weren't too many great ones, but i can't be bothered to sort a couple out, so simply publishing the lots if you'll be interested.. (above)
due to my lack of interest in gastronomy (i think it's too complicated, surely simply enjoying the food is what really matters to me, anyway), i never really can remember the official name of a dish, let alone meticulously mentioning what it's made of. but these two not only look superb, they taste great!
we had our dinner at kobe jones on one of the weeknights, a nice treat by rose! really full, it was as if the food could keep me alive till the next day.
pictured was andreas, hanny and rose.
random ruminations..
spent one of those saturdays in such an unproductive fashion to my shame. physically, it didn't move me an inch to just sit still on the couch hours and hours till my body ached due to immobility, and my eyes kept feeling like savouring the papers in front of me. luckily it was also a combination of the weekend's papers and some lecture notes that i was trying to 'attach' myself into (read: this was probably more of a dance of procrastination than any goods the reading itself could be!). once in many occasions, i'm fully aware that this kind of activity can pull myself together after some time.. recharging inwardly (or rather, releasing the inner geek, as some have put it beautifully), but damaging at the physical level..
there, i came across an interesting article about a famous writer, whose high-profile have only been heard through this time (me, off course, i mean.. by me, sorry, didn't really intend to it to be misunderstood this way ;)
what i love about reading the article is the fact that it slightly introduces a person of his emotional level (not only what seems to be the appearance outwardly).
now, before you come into any conclusions, risk it at yourself if you should agree or disagree with any of the author's views (vonnegut), though i suppose it will only be a skin-deep connection through the article. however, what can't be denied is the fact that going through things can really put people into perspectives, and experiences sometimes come at a cost too high, that, to fully appreciate one who had gone through his ordeals, you can only accept his present reality without the ability to question too much (i mean, really, to question how such strong conviction was drawn afterall).
i'm sure it isn't going to be one that you'll regard highly overall, but i was entertained nevertheless.. it doesn't matter, just perhaps.. everyone perceives differently..
let me quote..
There are also wild bursts of life-affirming passion at odds with the overall negativity.
One is a Vonnegut plea for everyone to practise an art, because no matter how good or bad it is, the exercise will enhance the soul.
"Sing in the shower. Dance to the radio. Tell stories," Vonnegut commands.
"Write a poem to a friend, even a lousy poem. Do it as well as you possibly can. You will get an enormous reward. You will have created something."
darkness visible (kurt vonnegut jr.)
Thursday, November 17, 2005
i had a dream last night, wake up twice, and the dream continued.. it wasn't surreal off course, i was the one dreaming... what was i thinking! all i know is that i was pretty tired that day, had a long one, started at 7.30 am and back home at 10.30 pm..
Read more...Tuesday, November 15, 2005
i was wrong (again)
last night, i was making myself a cup of hot chocolate before going to sleep (a bit of a chocolate addict recently, not that bad, only that every then and now, i feel like having chocolate during some random hours).
so i put stuffs into my cup, some milk, and into the microwave. a minute later, i saw the rim of the glass exposing some white substance which i wasn't clear what it was, and the drink itself didn't quite mix. i thought i'd just stir and had a sip. something was wrong, it tasted really really salty. i had just put a spoonful of salt instead of sugar. they looked really alike, and the containers were similar, placed next to one another. off course! i sincerely believe that it was sugar that i put it, but not until i tasted it, i was convinced that it wasn't sugar, but salt rather.
thing like this occurs to us a couple of times. we can easily believe in something for the sake of believing, and not really knowing what it is that we believe in, until we trully look into it to find out that the real truth isn't there to believe in.
Thursday, November 10, 2005
Wednesday, November 09, 2005
early morning
i reach office as early as 7.30 am (a couple of days a week) for three weeks now, but don't necessarily leave earlier than usual, gah!
i'm starting to get used to it, waking and starting early. a couple of times, i felt sleepy in the office. as long as i sleep well and early the night before, i prefer to start early (and leave early, i shall make it possible!). the rest, well, i hope i don't waste too much time doing nothing.
Friday, November 04, 2005
it's a symptom, not diagnosa..
u've heard about it. if a person experiences a difficulty to sleep within longer than 30 mins after in bed, or waking up in the middle of the night and unable to sleep tight again, or waking for no apparent reason very early in the morning before the intended early enough hours, any of these that happens three times a week, for a period of a month or longer, then it's insomnia in any variety of degree after all.
and i'd appreciate it if it's not for anything urgent that people don't try to make an unintended call to 9380 7711 any later than 10.31 pm, nor sms, because i can be easily waken up by these (my mobile is on my bed-side desk, everytime i receive an sms on vibrate, i wake! that's how sensitive i'm and how annoying it's).
last night, i was unable to sleep. as i was ABOUT to, a phone call rang at 11.50 pm! nobody answered, and the effect can ruin me the next day, i'm feeling crappy..
btw, that's the FM103.2 people who care line above..
Tuesday, November 01, 2005
Christian schools hit back over origin of life
an update re intelligent design being taught in australian schools (christian schools and parents-controlled ones). a progress in itself, little may it be, the journey still faces many oppositions from the scientific angle..
Read more...New Testament 2, the Epistles
to my surprise, it's a joy in itself to be studying God's word. eventhough my reaction to assignment and exam won't be positive nowadays, discovering the truth about God is certainly a comfort at any times.
the assignment is due tomorrow. the question is: compare and contrast the function and content in the context of the christological hymns of Philippians 2:5-10 and Colossians 1:15-20.
In Philippians 2:5-11, Paul was exhorting the church in Philippi to imitate Christ’s humility. He was concerned of the unity in the church. By citing the example of Christ, Paul gets his point across that through living a humble life, unity in Christ is exhibited in actions that consider others better than themselves, as well as being unselfish to put the interests of others before them. The reasons for such unity are because Christians have been united with Christ (therefore they are to be like-minded as Christ who united them in Him), the fellowship with the Spirit (that extends to the fellowship among Christians in the Spirit), and as they have experienced God’s blessings of His love, tenderness, compassion; their relationships with one another should also be marked with the sharing of these blessings among them.
Moreover, this hymn also functions to clearly teach of the deity and humanity of Jesus Christ, the incarnate of God the Son into the world through a lowly living in a human appearance, yet this doesn’t mean to take away of the divinity of Christ, but rather that Christ was willing let go of His glory in order to submit to the Father’s will. And because of this perfect submission as a result of Christ’s humility, He was exalted by the Father to be the Lord of the heaven and earth.
In Colossians 1:15-20, Paul used the hymn to refute the heresy prone to the church that teaches worldly philosophies based on the Jewish and pagans’ traditions. Paul did this by revealing the fullness of God in Christ, and since this, Christians have also been given God’s fullness that alone is sufficient for them to remain in their faith in Christ, rather than having to conform still to regulations and principalities over which Christ has supremacy above all (first-born of all creations, head of the church, first-born from among the dead, even the Lord of reconciliation).
Both hymns have similarity in pointing out a couple of facts:
- That Jesus Christ is God, not more or less. Phil. 2:6 stated that Christ is the very nature of God, which means that He is fully God. Col. 1:15 pointed that Christ is the image of the invisible God, in whom God (the Father) was pleased to have all His fullness dwell in Him (Christ) v.19.
- The significance of Christ’s work on the Cross. Phil. 2:8 stated that Christ’s obedience to God shown in humility leads to the action of giving Himself to die on the Cross that results in His Lordship over the heaven and the earth. Col. 1:20 emphasizes that Christ is the agent of reconciliation that brought peace through His blood shed on the Cross.
- The ministry of Christ brings glory to God the Father. Phil. 2:11 stated that the exaltation of Christ is to the glory of God the Father. Col. 1:18 mentioned that God was pleased that through Christ to reconcile all things to Himself.
Reference: IVP Bible Commentary.
ps. cue you people who are doing the same subject next semester in newtown, thou shalt not steal, nor covet! ;) ah well, i have a peek as well at the commentary, got to have a right attitute toward placing the Bible as the main book to start with.