Wednesday, June 30, 2004

agree tho..

You are Schroeder!

rose asked why i rarely take quizzes and put the results on my blog. in fact, this is only the second time i do. didn't manage to answer her last nite. here are some facts, still may not answer you directly:

- think that sometimes u take quizzes for fun, and they happen to tell you more about yourself. great! you get to know yourself better. and others happen to know you better as well.
- at other times, they tell nice things (well, mostly) about you (off course, durr), may be true, may be not, it's just nice to know them, hmn, am flattered tho, show them off?!? hehhe, not so great, encouraging my self-centredness, not necessarily selfish tho, or it may.

ah well, take it tis time, the 'blue' pill, in the name of fun, this one looks simple, not so provoking. oh, still many others, haven't taken them, interesting usually they are, hmn.. but, hey look, don't have that much time, better..

Jeremiah 9:23-24

23 This is what the LORD says:
"Let not the wise man boast of his wisdom
or the strong man boast of his strength
or the rich man boast of his riches,
24 but let him who boasts boast about this:
that he understands and knows me,
that I am the LORD , who exercises kindness,
justice and righteousness on earth,
for in these I delight,"
declares the LORD .

Galatians 6:14
May I never boast except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, through which the world has been crucified to me, and I to the world.

hey, we sometime take them in the name of fun.. yeah, i know =)


Sunday, June 27, 2004

Little Thesaurus of the World of Babies’ Terminologies.

Eng-kel: uncle
Entii: aunty

(more will be added once they come out in action where necessary)


Part 1: Dear Jorji (read: Georgia),

(why on earth they have to spell ur name as Jee, while indeed it is written as Gee? Another case being Goeffrey, anyway.. notice tat Jee and Gee just sound exactly each other. Ffiuhh, tell u what, tis is just the starting point, there r still, lots of lots of confusions tat tis world could bring, never let them upset u because they r not worth-it to be upset-ed about).

Hey, you sexy little beast (censor – red. – ups, I shouldn’t shock ur mum more for calling you tat way, but truly you are, just look at yourself, you cutey, cutey, sexy little beas.. err baby I mean. Well, after thoughtful consideration toward ur mom, who indeed is still going thru a post-shock effect of bearing her first child, but surely feels very blessed anyway having been given the strength to bring u into tis world with heaps of joyful tears-decided tat u deserve to be appreciated much much more than just a.. beaut?!?). Listen, tis entii hasn’t much time to introduce herself to you. It’s because she has lots n lots (n lots of lots) of stuffs to talk about yourself, mommy n daddy, your many self-proclaimed eng-kels en entiis (who look very horrible indeed once they look at a cute little baby like yourself because they feel tat the world has deprived them of their rights to be at the centre of attention for as long as you later on r becoming as horrible as themselves!), the world tat you’re born into, and nevertheless very important, the One who has purposely predestined you to be part of His treasured possessions. Gasp! What a surprising 1st paragraph as an intro of tis letter.

So yeah, less than a week you were born, many came to visit u, ur mom n daddy, either at the St.George Hospital in Koogarah or at ur place. Well, most think tat u r pretty huge a baby (nevertheless u r a baby still, meant to be tiny, silly, heh?!), surely a healthy one. Your mom, after u’re born, she is like the youngest mom ever in the world (read: IPC), can imagine how proud she is to be crowned as one! As for ur daddy, ffuihh, (to be continued..)

(silly) entii of the month,
rose.. err (huaHAHHA)


p.s. suddenly feel a sudden urge to stop rite here. been unwell, stomach's upset (perhaps because of suffering from diarrhoea since tis morning) and hardly any strenght to write u some funny (read: silly) messages, didn't get a good sleep last nite.. moreover, think also tat had been better to learn to kiss (keep-it-short-n-sweet) tis letter better by dividing it into parts, so u won't get bored out of hell to read a very long long one at once...


Friday, June 25, 2004

st mary's cathedral at dusk


when the lights shine through


at dusk


journey awaits


anzac war memorial from a distant


pool beside the anzac war memorial


reflection: can u see the inside u?


a park in the middle of busy sydney city: people come and go


central point


anzac war memorial @ hyde park


Monday, June 21, 2004

port stephen


city by moonlight


anzac bridge from sydney fish market


harbour bridge in sepia tone


opera house from ferry


Friday, June 18, 2004

brought to you by blogs..

An article's title in SMH read "Japanese internet star spreads the blogging gospel."

Nope, it isn't about the Gospel that gives hope to people, carried through the means of blogging. The term has slightly been interchangeably used to mean other than Good News, some news to be spreaded in mass perhaps. Misled by the title, it tickles (a bit - not so much because i have had yet to guess of any misrepresentation that could emerge) my sense of curiosity to find out more of what a commercial newspaper has to say on things that carry itself along under a religious label.

A bit side track, continuing the paragraph above, a recent issue in the TIME Magazine (June 21, 2004 - Pacific Edition) has got a cover title of "Faith, God & The Oval Office" -how Bush's beliefs influence his actions | Kerry's Catholic dilemma- is just another coverage 'slightly' touching on matters not meant to be religious, more political concerns carried behind, i think. Actually, happened to find several TIMES issues with big themes revolving around seemingly religious stuffs (i.e the lost gospel of thomas, and several others that i can't recall). I have to admit that i can't be so sure of the lack of religious purposes behind those articles, haven't been focusingly reading on them. Perhaps it is interesting to find out more of the facts presented inside, which could be one of the faitful intentions (apart from commercial gaining purpose) of the authors writing the articles.

Back to business, not so much trying to speak for the content of the article (the SMH's one), quoting the line "The neat thing about weblogs is you find each other," ... "It gives you a feeling of empowerment. For grass-roots movements and things like that, it will be great." Fact: blogs can be influential of what you have to say.

Talking about the rapidly growing popularity of bearing a blog, a similar phenomenon is happening among the IPCYF-ers, who have just recently self-forming ourselves a blogging cult through the spreading of many personal blogs. Having said so, the feeling of blogging-like sensation may just be a fad that is hardly noticed by some, toward others, it may mean all that they have yet to give virtually, one's own personal cookbook, mix your thoughts and brilliant, you've just recreated yourself a clone of the real you in the virtual world. Being as thoughtless as I could be at this point, there might be some hidden messages that you want to pass through (surely you have the rights to do so, and i'm not judging anyone), but good on you for being thoughtful through what you have to write because others can learn from what you have to share if they happen to read your blog.

So, now, undeniably, you have the power to your says, brought to you by the blogs. Why not blog for real Gospel? But hey, you don't have to be so serious the way I put it here. I am still very much interested in your sharing of your life and faith wrapped in your own warm style of personal touch.

p.s. what a freak i am writing stuffs like these, you won't get this often, promise.. after all, pictures worth thousand words =)


thinking of dad..


Moments of Love by Helen Steiner Rice


season passed: autumn remembrance


a quote..

"If u are a disciple, you are a person of discipline. The antidote to a superficial walk with almighty God is that you will systematically read and think about the Book that God has given you."

David Cook on his "Starting Stronger, Staying Stronger" book - The Spirit and The Word (p61).


Tuesday, June 15, 2004

de costi seafoods at sydney fish market


circular quay: live attraction


darling harbour


Friday, June 11, 2004

life, (partly) presented in contrast..

old man in park: nurturing the nature. perhaps.. he has no one to look after or nobody is looking after him. old as he seemed, growing weaker maybe, yet also a single fighter..

c'moen dad.. let's play..!: nurturing the next generation. a dad making some time to spend with his daughter. one golf play, perhaps.. a symbol of (more than) a decent well-being. very young still and looking as vibrant, she may have nothing to worry about having someone to care by..

what else can you notice to add to the story?


old man in park


c'mon dad.. let's play..!


an amount well spent..

free admission to wkc as graduation present. tks for the generosity =)


dear hanvy


people r getting older


12 May : birthday girl n me


Great Hall


alta la vista babe Posted by Hello


Shallow and Profound

Taken from Oswald Chamber's My Utmost For His Highest.

Whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God — 1 Corinthians 10:31

Beware of allowing yourself to think that the shallow aspects of life are not ordained by God; they are ordained by Him equally as much as the profound. We sometimes refuse to be shallow, not out of our deep devotion to God but because we wish to impress other people with the fact that we are not shallow. This is a sure sign of spiritual pride. We must be careful, for this is how contempt for others is produced in our lives. And it causes us to be a walking rebuke to other people because they are more shallow than we are. Beware of posing as a profound person—God became a baby.

To be shallow is not a sign of being sinful, nor is shallowness an indication that there is no depth to your life at all—the ocean has a shore. Even the shallow things of life, such as eating and drinking, walking and talking, are ordained by God. These are all things our Lord did. He did them as the Son of God, and He said, "A disciple is not above his teacher . . ." ( Matthew 10:24 ).

We are safeguarded by the shallow things of life. We have to live the surface, commonsense life in a commonsense way. Then when God gives us the deeper things, they are obviously separated from the shallow concerns. Never show the depth of your life to anyone but God. We are so nauseatingly serious, so desperately interested in our own character and reputation, we refuse to behave like Christians in the shallow concerns of life.

Make a determination to take no one seriously except God. You may find that the first person you must be the most critical with, as being the greatest fraud you have ever known, is YOURSELF.


looking forward to..

WKC 2004


Friday, June 04, 2004

Gracious Uncertainty

Taken from Oswald Chamber's My Utmost For His Highest.

"Our natural inclination is to be so precise - trying always to forecast accurately what will happen next - that we look upon uncertainty as a bad thing. We think that we must reach some predetermined goal, but that is not the nature of the spiritual life. The nature of spiritual life is that we are certain in our uncertainty. Consequently, we do not put down roots. Our common sense says, "Well, what if I were in that circumstance?" We cannot presume to see ourselves in any circumstance in which we have never been".

"Certainty is the mark of the commonsense life - gracious uncertainty is the mark of the spiritual life. To be certain of God means that we are uncertain in all our ways, not knowing what tomorrow may bring. This is generally expressed with a sigh of sadness, but it should be an expression of breathless expectation. We are uncertain of the next step, but we are certain of God. As soon as we abandon ourselves to God and do the task He has placed closest to us, He begins to fill our lives with surprises. When we become simply a promoter or a defender of a particular belief, something within us dies. That is not believing God - it is only believing our belief about Him. Jesus said, ".. unless you.. become as little children.." (Matthew 18:3). The spiritual life is the life of a child. We are not uncertain of God, just uncertain of what He is going to do next. If our certainty is only in our beliefs, we develop a sense of self-righteousness, become overly critical, and are limited by the view that our beliefs are complete and settled. But when we have the right relationship with God, life is full of spontaneous, joyful uncertainty and expectancy. Jesus said, ".. believe also in Me" (John 14:1), not, "Believe certain things about Me." Leave everything to Him and it will be gloriously and graciously uncertain how He will come in - but you can be certain that He will come. Remail faithful to Him".


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