Wednesday, May 19, 2004

by tis time, it almost marks a month of my not-updating tis blog. wasn't the intention to let it crystallize into a rock (of ages), hmn.. =)

perhaps am in the middle of crisis in blogging (or another nice way of saying an early-20ish crisis in life?!? oh dear.. too soon for tat infamous mid-30 crisis, have to face it again sometime in the future, noO!), but noch, vyie must get going as life must go on. may be true, it's sometimes healthy to pause in the middle, taking a time or two to reflect upon stages in life, asking God for more of Christ's awareness than self-awareness while dealing with stuffs in general. and as it goes.. how cool is tat being able to share our life n thoughts (yet, simply not much happening in simply vyie, hehhe) to others.

speaking bout blogs, rya told tat she recently gets an unusual habit to read other people's blogs before going to sleep, n wonders whether she should start one of her own as well. haA.. u look at one, u get addicted, u covet, u sin.. hehhe (what abusive words! no worries, she can handle these)

so, what have been the missing links so far?

blame lyd! can't write too much at the moment, just got an invitation to spend a godly afternoon (according to her) with her. actually, not so much godly having ruinned part of her godly plans to join a small bs group activity at unsw. but she promises tat we'll be having godly convos instead (liar liar me myself n lyd, we agree on the terms godly=gossips, both start with 'g') on our way to city while spending sometime playing with cameras. oh yeah.. (slightly, nope, hugely intrested in photography at the moment). think tat am such a person easily lit up by passion for new interests, yet it requires heaps more consistency to mature them along the way =)


p.s am trying to update more photos. gotta continue on some other time. files transfers are just torturing, have to wait for ages. anyway, not many nice photos at the moment, am still an amateur, but hope u enjoy them.


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