Thursday, April 22, 2004

Augustus M. Toplady, 1740-1778

Rock of Ages, cleft for me,
let me hide myself in thee;
let the water and the blood,
from thy wounded side which flowed,
be of sin the double cure;
save from wrath and make me pure.

Not the labors of my hands
can fulfill thy law's commands;
could my zeal no respite know,
could my tears forever flow,
all for sin could not atone;
thou must save, and thou alone.

Nothing in my hand I bring,
simply to the cross I cling;
naked, come to thee for dress;
helpless, look to thee for grace;
foul, I to the fountain fly;
wash me, Savior, or I die.

While I draw this fleeting breath,
when mine eyes shall close in death,
when I soar to worlds unknown,
see thee on thy judgment throne,
Rock of Ages, cleft for me,
let me hide myself in thee.


Tuesday, April 13, 2004

Tues, 13 Apr
this week alone have watched 3 movies (shock!). "a walk to remember" - mandy moore, shane west, "kiss the girls" - morgan freeman, ashley judd, n "runaway jury" - john cusack, rachel weisz, gene hackman, dustin hoffman. story is good on #1, but bit boring, a non-christian movie with christian values. asheley judd is fab, watched her several movies, always plays a role of intelligent and/or strong-willed woman, also very good at facial expression in most of her acting. lots of twists on #2, woke me up the whole lenght of movie. as for #3, a gathering of famous actors, with good actings.

Mon, 12 Apr
lake macquarie (near central coast) outing with peeps. got lost several times along the journey. main destination was the beach. still can't resist to run n play football with others (we made a good uncoordinated IPC go-gals football team that kick, kick n kick n who cares bout the rules!! =). what if by next 5 year time, am still enjoying all these?!? (nightmare.. got to exercise more self-controls). but hey, don't we all have a little childish attitude within that makes u feel not as old n gives spices in life.

Sun, 11 Apr
easter sermon (john 20:1-18 and 1 cor. 15:1-19) was refreshing n challenging. with Christ's resurrection, there is an assurance of bodily resurrection for believers and that death had certainly been defeated, giving us a certain hope for the future. therefore, a challenging conclusion to always give ourselves fully to the work of the Lord (1 cor. 15:58).

Fri, 9 Apr
coastal walk - coogee to bondi, with amel, dev, jerry, lyd, nat, rose. will never get bored of this kind of activity, in fact, still looking forward to sometime making it from coogee to watsons bay, next long weekend perhaps. if interested to join, can just leave ur name in the comment, will surely inform at the right time. weather was great, got sunburn in face, looking ugly until the next 3 days, forgot to apply sunscreen. it normally is an hour walk, yet since there were many distractions half way (e.g. the graveyard in clovelly, which was a highlight according to mel who hasn't been to one her lifetime! mel even found quite a magnificent tomb, still according to her, and happened to have her first name printed as the middle name of a deceased, that freaks her out), the walk extended to a long 2 hours journey. dev made it half way through to clovelly (n back!) - u've got to follow mel's get-fit programs more often in the future to stay fit and stronger physically, passed her torturing tests recently =) nat was also excited, apart from the little pinky incident. a passer-by was wearing a shirt that got a label of "pinky is only sweet on weekday", n nat was wearing her bright pink shirt (just perfect timing, hihhi). way back journey was by bus, catching one from bondi beach to bondi, then followed with 313 from bondi's interchange to coogee beach, starting off point where jerry's car was parked.


Monday, April 05, 2004

Mon, 5 Apr
still no news on jobs, hakuna mattata, guess am not worried, one step at a time, tho can feel it to be a bit mentally n physically tiring of jobs hunting at the moment. for good-sake, give me a break!

gonna watch "a walk to remember" tonite, with dev n rose for sure.

Sun, 4 Apr
been to evening services for the past two months perhaps. will surely enjoy more evening services in the future. appreciate and enjoying the way things are done in evening services, tho won't join in for dinners, but surely the ones on sats.

Thurs, 1 Apr
tri will move to my place, sharing a room with myself by easter's holiday on monday. iwin is moving out soon. at the moment he is in indo, shocking news, his girl friend's parents got a car accident around medan this week, claiming her dad's life and her mom is still hospitalized. feel sorry to both of them. just can imagine how quick our life can be taken from us, the more reason to share our faith to family members haven't believed yet in Christ.

Sat, 30 March
realise that lost my glasses somewhere, been looking for it at several places, attempting to recall several places i might have been to during past few days, yet still didn't manage to get it back after checking to those places, even uni library. last resort may be church perhaps, the only place i haven't tried to ask around.

Fri, 29 March
BBQ @ deb n arwind's. it happened that several small dinner gatherings have been going on for sometime among several peeps, was invited this time. good opportunity to catch up with one another. indeed, can take turn to throw a small gathering by inviting different peeps on certain occasions. great idea.

slept over at sis' place, haven't been visiting her for quite a while. watched lion king #1, love the songs. hmn, bro also gets more n more dvd often, should resist watching sometimes.


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