In Christ alone my hope is found
He is my light, my strength, my song
This Cornerstone, this solid ground
Firm through the fiercest drought and storm
What heights of love, what depths of peace
When fears are stilled, when strivings cease
My Comforter, my All in All
Here in the love of Christ I stand
In Christ alone, who took on flesh
Fullness of God in helpless babe
This gift of love and righteousness
Scorned by the ones He came to save
‘Til on that cross as Jesus died
The wrath of God was satisfied
For every sin on Him was laid
Here in the death of Christ I live
There in the ground His body lay
Light of the world by darkness slain
Then bursting forth in glorious Day
Up from the grave He rose again
And as He stands in victory
Sin’s curse has lost its grip on me
For I am His and He is mine
Bought with the precious blood of Christ
No guilt of life, no fear in death
This is the power of Christ in me
From life’s first cry to final breath
Jesus commands my destiny
No power of hell, no scheme of man
Can ever pluck me from His hand
‘til He returns or calls me home
Here in the power of Christ I’ll stand
Sunday, March 28, 2004
Wednesday, March 24, 2004
For those who have been keen on following what’s happening @ Pemuda, praise God that He first invited us to be in fellowship with Him, that by His grace we may also extend on our fellowship with one another. If it ever comes to your mind why you should continue on reading, or wonder why these things are being shared to you, good on you, keep on reading, you are next in finding out why. Three things as reasons, without any intentions to be exhaustive as you read on further:
1. so that you may help us to not to overlook what may seem to be trivial, yet too pitiful to be overlooked. By any chances, we can be slacked sometimes, time to remind us gently, give us feedbacks and lay us your hands.
2. so that you may make them your efforts as you pray and being supportive with things happening @ Pemuda.
3. so that you may be reminded that you are a part of Pemuda, and absolutely also a part in the body of His church.
The A to Z of Pemuda (March 2004)
o selective on contents, need to be foretold in order to announce.
o for outside training opportunities, good to be encouraged, yet still better to be able to look at needs and choose which ones to announce (in order not to over kill people with too many trainings). this year has been excellent to see people’s enthusiasm in joining trainings and conventions.
o announcers’ efforts to be more prepared of what to announce.
Bible Study
o a coordinator has been appointed to help out.
o coordinator’s checklist: directions for bs activity (first point of contact, plan on which book to study, getting bs activity to start each semester), update and follow up with bs leaders regularly for semester’s progress.
o tks God for bs leaders! most hard working team that Pemuda will always lie heavily on.
o two people to look after, part of announcement.
Easter (Youth)
o regular service on Sat, 10.04.04. talk by rev. joe mock on “the death of death in the death of Christ”.
o church service will include a drama if people are targeting on something special.
o invite a friend to church and youth service as a challenge to both yourself and your friend.
Getting To Know You
o two people to look after, part of announcement.
o twice a month, particularly better if being done not on luke’s exposition occasions due to timing constraints.
o follow up with former and current (new) coordinator for future directions and current procedures.
o choice of resources not to be overlooked.
o book reviews can be more regular, once in a month if possible.
Luke’s Expositions
o more time for talk, hopefully will help. limit songs being sung repetitively. absolutely a dilemma, longer talk doesn’t mean an effective one and may be over killed toward audiences, yet may help speakers to be more effective in exposing the narrative. a lesson to learn, exposition on a big chunk of passage is to be avoided at best!
o need bs leaders to help in preparing on questions for some occasions with regard to set passages that may need further studies.
o have budgets.
o hopefully more confident to see it happening with om joe’s assistance.
Prayer Meetings
o start @ 4.30 pm before service.
o take heart to join to make it regular and happening.
o several names to be kept praying for.
o further plans to smooth transition next year.
Song Leading
o heaps to be improved on.
o lack of resources, something to be prayed for. no training available as well.
o not just leading in singing, but worship, connect each part of service together (to high an expectation, yet can hope for better), some points have been shared by a former a song leader @ Pemuda:
o introduce songs
o lead in prayers
o know what is happening @ Pemuda and use the opportunity to address on important things. e.g. mission, talks (what is being talked about, brief summary on previous or future talks), program kerja.
o choice of songs, to prepare people in worship, absolutely a form of gospel telling as well (, good if songs can be related to talk.
o bible reading is to be encouraged before talks.
o song leaders need to be necessarily and regularly updated with details.
o time keeper. e.g. sharing time, people need to learn not to be selfish, share on what you’ve learned, without being too exhaustive in details, give opportunity to others who might also want to share.
o song leaders will meet soon.
Ushering and Consumption
o summary of attendance and offering to be listed by weekly coordinator on board.
o u‘ve done a good job, mike!
o have a coordinator.
o to be worked on further with bs leaders, for suggestions of members to be visited.
o need more supports to continue.
Sunday, March 14, 2004
Sat, 20 March
surprised.. dear rya b'day! o actually, say nothing here yet, rya. feign amnesia on them when u r back here if these peeps don't say happy bday to you tis time.
Fri, 19 March
big day for ipc, rev. joni's n rev. joe's inductions. saw om harrj as well, a chunkier version of him, err, actually, forgot my glasses, can't rely too much having short-sighted eyes. next time if u wave or smile from a distance without my glasses on me, blame me not, don't want to risk it, course.
Tues, 16 March
endah's bday! am so helpless having to wait for hours with others to have her with us.
Mon, 15 March
bs starts tis week, on acts.
Sun, 14 March
@ Maroubra Beach!! weather was good. couldn't be more enjoyable than having to spend afternoon with peeps for BBQ, sharing food n fun (and rubbish off course). last week's got cancelled due to raining. hands got some bruises having played volley ball in a very unorderly fashion, n dammit, haven't got a chance to show off the 5-millions$-worthed-beckham kicks, sadly, they finished shortly after came joining, feel like kicking something instead (or someone), just wait, u'll be the lucky one to get it sometime in the future, sign-in, n be quick, just to make sure tat u've got tat chance to feel my (again-am-so-proud-of-it) 5-millions$-worthed-beckham kiCKS. nightmares! hihhi
Sat, 13 March
SCCCA training day @ bcpc (burwood). got adi, dave, deb, dev, hans, irmo, jen , jimbo, jo, om joe, ken, rose, tris, yap. really good point on servanthood, a christian is someone who has been served by Christ (Mark 10:45), and unless He washed our feet, we wouldn't have got a part in His kingdom (John 13:8). and so, as u serve, make sure to get it right in realizing tat Christ has first served us, tat those whom u serve might also be aware of tis.
Fri, 12 March
my bro's bday, hmn, nice one, still served me cake tho am in my room due to place jam-packed with his friends. actually, don't feel like going out my room at all with my ready-to-sleep-wear. yumn, yumn, cherry black forest, got big appetite lately, tho quite late at nite already.
Wed, 10 March
got a chance to talk to hatta over the phone, shocking news, good one tho, getting married in a month time!! surely they must have been planning for it for sometime, thoughtful yet daring, as always, but think he analysed himself quite well tis time, no point of waiting if both are ready to commit into duties, oo dear, finally don't have to pressure him anymore, and whOHoo, tat means we'll be having amar (mari or amar?!?, both don't quite rhyme, ah, can i suggest a better one tho? missOoIAmSoSickOfBeingAPanggoroQuickSaveMeMrLim, sorry, sucks! ok, give up, u've got a hopeless name actually, hihhi, unseriously =) back here in about a year time. hAA, payback time, am going to complaint much to mari re amel, such a bad bad girl (no, i mean bad teacher, liar liar, love amel much, truly, a witty one, very cheerful), drink more chlorine each time got swimming lessons from her, perhaps she is just so good at being supportive to others, so enthusiastic that it hit me quite shockingly n strikingly overdosage with good spirit forgetting how much chlorine had made a friendly seduce into my blood system. yucky yuks.
Wednesday, March 10, 2004
Saturday, March 06, 2004
Sat, 06.03
@ dev's place, using dev's comp, with other gals, outing again, guys are attending mkc. no pemuda today, trow is supposed to be 1st pemuda's outing plus new-comers' BBQ welcoming party for 2004, hope weather is fine trow. is raining at the moment, several gals cancelled coming, still ok tho, ended up having around 10 (minus 1) gals (anna, cynthia, deb, dev, ling, lyd, nat, olive, rose, n missy rav! our special guest of honour =), can smell something nice from the kitchen, gonna have dinner together afterward, followed with intolerable cruelty's dvd. am waiting for my turn to mess the kitchen up. hehhe.
moi turn.. never cook green curry bef, never mind, everything is in control, got deb, plays her role really well! only need to wait for some instructions (n wait for magics to happen =). 4 dishes in totals, tiny bacon n egg's pastries as entree, green curry plus salad as main meal, n tiramisu as dessert.. (drooling)
Tues, 02.03
@ UTS, second hand bookshop, got to sell some past semesters' text books. can't stand having them in shelves, heaping more n more dust, need more spaces to breathe. also registered for a chance to win an apple's ipod, just for fun, never ever win anything by chances, guess am not that lucky person, hiks (need a drink.. dev, r we supposed to self serve, uhueks, need a service here, am going to choke off myself for no reason, o, too hard a reason to explain actually). wait till evening class, study'n a glimpse of jeremiah. am so tired, past few days as well. good thing is that have been sleep'n really really tight recently, perhaps tis is the 4th week.
Mon, 01.03
pecel time @ hans'. sorry ryan, can't hold the future on pecel, do say tks to ur nanna, remember to invite us again sometime next year. was really yumn.
Sun, 29.02
small bs group happening @ my place, around noon, for temp. only, topical studies, twice a month. got amel, nat, n rose. hmn, don't quite agree with rose with regard to an issue (with tat cynical look at her, hehhe), thinking of getting others' opinions sometime.